Custom Launcher Profile Drop Down Menus Don't Render Correctly When DPI Is Above 100%

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Jan 6, 2020

Drop down menus in custom launcher profiles don't render correctly when the DPI is above 100%. This is happening to the very wide drop down menus. This isn't happening in 4.23 CL#9631420. Found in ...

No shadow cast after Static Mesh Editor material assignment

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - Apr 21, 2020

This is a Rhino file. Shadows are not cast on the Static Mesh after materials are assigned in the Static Mesh Editor. This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370). This was reproduced in 4. ...

Widget Components Add Thin Black Outlines to Images

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 13, 2019

When a slate element that uses a png with a transparency the edges have a black outline. When the Widget3DPassThrough material is applied to the widget the effect is lessened, but is the outline sti ...

Changing reflection capture resolution after setting preview rendering level to Android ES3.1 crashes the editor

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 20, 2019

Applying a new reflection capture resolution after changing Preview Rendering Level to Android ES3.1 results in crash. Tested in: 4.24 P3 CL#10283392    4.25CL#10303496 ...

Motion Controller Components Don't Track Motion Controllers

UE - Platform - XR - Jan 17, 2020

The motion controller component doesn't track motion controllers correctly. This worked in 4.23. If you create a VR template project and follow the repro steps this issue doesn't occur. This was t ...

Rect lights cause visual noise on the light rendered when using raytracing

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Nov 12, 2019

Rect lights cause visual noise on the light rendered when using raytracing. It is easier to see when you get rid of all other light sources in the scene. I have attached an example project. This se ...

Editor Periodically Has Performance Drops In Basic Scenes

Tools - Dec 27, 2019

The Editor experiences performance drops even in the default basic level when left alone running. I experienced them every ~3 seconds. My graph didn't show the drops very clearly so the fps counter ...

Depth Not Rendered Correctly When Using CustomProjectionMatrix in SceneCaptureComponent2D

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 15, 2020

The depth is rendered incorrectly when using a custom projection matrix in SceneCaptureComponent2D. You can find an example project at [Link Removed]. You can find where the CustomProjectionMatrix ...

Wildcard Maps Inputs/Outputs Propogate Incorrectly in Macros

UE - Gameplay - Dec 13, 2019

When a macro takes in a Map <Wildcard, Wildcard> if the output is the element in the map it is the same type value of as the key. You can see see a quick demonstration at [Link Removed]. This seems ...

Increasing Font Size Makes The SceneRendering Table Impossible To Read

Tools - Jan 27, 2020

The scenerendering graph doesn't display correctly when you increase the Small Font for the Engine. The rows don't adjust to the font size. The user increased font size to make print strings in VR ...