GPU System will kill existing particles if activate is called after it has be deactivated

UE - Niagara - Oct 22, 2020

Deactivating and then reactivating the same GPU system will cause existing particles to die. ...

Crash occurs in Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh of Mesh with MinLOD set to 1 or higher

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 22, 2020

I have attached a reproduction project with the above settings.[Link Removed] It crashes when packaged, launched and moved in-game. This issue seems to occur when there is an object in the Unbuilt ...

Rotate about axis material node can cause Z-fighting in Niagara mesh particles

UE - Niagara - Oct 21, 2020

The rotate about axis material node appears to cause z-fighting in mesh particles if they are scaled in the simulation. ...

Animations reset when properties are edited in the details panel and auto-key is turned off

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 15, 2020

When adjusting properties from the details panel, if auto-key is off, animations will reset. In related cases, components can lose their binding, and their properties will turn red. It may be that t ...

Lighting channels not working as expected when enabling Ray Tracing Shadow

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Oct 13, 2020

Non-Ray Tracing Shadows are only cast from lights on meshes assigned to the same Lighting Channel. When enabling Ray Tracing Shadows this is not the case. Lights will still cast Ray Tracing Shadows ...

iOS/TVos/Mac Compilation Error - Argument List Too Long

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 8, 2020

Compilations are failing on iOS, tvOS and Mac due to the following clang error: clang: error: unable to exectute command: posix_spawn failed: Argument list too long ...

Launching a packaged game calling DownloadImage with -nullRHI option crashes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Oct 8, 2020

When using nullrhi, the Texture->Resource variable in UAsyncTaskDownloadImage::HandleImageRequest is null and a crash occurs in WriteRawToTexture_RenderThread. ...

UBlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary is inaccessible through Python script

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 7, 2020

The BlueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary API is not accessible through python scripts run in the editor. Attempting to run a script utilizing BplueprintFileUtilsBPLibrary results in:LogPython: Error: Traceb ...

Power of two non square Virtual Texture causes crash if you resize it or change it in a Material Instance

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2020

Power of two non square texture make UE4 crash in Material Instance and in engine resize when it's set in VT ...

Light rendering becomes broken when at a distance of ~1000000 from origin

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2020

Tested at X=20,000 with no issue Tested at X=500,000 with no issue Tested at X=1,000,000 issue occurs NOT A REGRESSION ...