Editor becomes unresponsive for long periods between edits of a user-defined enum type when it's referenced by one or more user-defined struct types.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 17, 2021

After adding a member to a user-defined struct type and changing the member type to a user-defined enumeration, repeated edits to that enumeration will eventually cause the editor to become increasi ...

[Submix][Content Browser] - Deleting an unsaved Submix asset (any type) causes them to reappear when creating a new asset

UE - Audio - Submixes - May 13, 2021

Deleting unsaved Submix assets causes them to reappear the next time you create a new asset. Issue does not occur in 4.26, but does occur in 4.27 and 5.0. ...

Seamless travel is preventing Server Travel

UE - Gameplay - May 10, 2021

Seamless travel seems to not be functioning properly.  With Run Under One Process set to false and Seamless travel enabled, the ServerTravel command is not bringing the server to the specified map.  ...

Actor variable type has distractingly large tooltip comment

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 4, 2021

Actor.h has a large comment that describes the entire lifecycle of Actors, which was written for the API website (https://docs.unrealengine.com/en-US/API/Runtime/Engine/GameFramework/AActor/index.ht ...

Retainer box widget causes progress bars to render incorrectly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 14, 2021

Retainer boxes are currently causing progress bars to render incorrectly. This looks to be related to [Link Removed] which is fallout from the changes to retainer widget transform calculation introd ...

Shader complexity mode reportedly broken on Vulkan

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 23, 2021

Shader complexity reported (on AH) broken on Linux since 4.25. No local repro attempted. https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/1019826/shader-complevity-view-mode-is-completely-broken-s.html ...

Scaling sphere with gizmo causes it to not work with line trace

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Mar 16, 2021

Changing the scale of an actor with the level editor gizmo follows a very different codepath than changing it via the details panel. A side effect of this seems to be that line traces will no longer ...

[Reverb][Regression] - The Reverb Effect in World Settings Does Not Update When Loading New Levels

UE - Audio - Mar 12, 2021

When loading a new level via the Open Level node in Blueprints, the World Settings do not update the Applied Reverb Effect. When trying to reproduce the issue in 4.25.4, issue did not occur (the r ...

[Device Swap][Crash][Stadia] - Crash changing audio device from 5.1 to stereo

UE - Audio - Mar 10, 2021

There's a crash on stadia when changing the audio device from 5.1 to stereo. There's also a related issue where voice chat breaks when changing from 5.1 to stereo. The background is that CL14889950 ...