GetActorsPerception useless in 4.7

UE - AI - Mar 11, 2015

The new AI Perception system's BP API, marketed in release notes, depends on UAIPerceptionComponent::GetActorsPerception, that, as one AnswerHub user points out, is useless due to a buggy condition ...

Copying Blueprints folder within the Content Browser is not working properly

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Mar 11, 2015

When dragging and dropping the Blueprints folder into another folder, and selecting 'copy here' causes the Blueprints folder to stay as a folder and empty, but another Blueprints folder is created w ...

Changing UFUNCTION Category causes function to not appear in BP right-click menu after hot reload

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 11, 2015

If a function with a Category set in its UFUNCTION macro has the value of the category changed and then compiled (hot reload), the function will no longer show up in the right click menu of the blue ...

Can't disable gravity for skeletal meshes

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 11, 2015

When replacing a static mesh with a skeletal mesh for bone animations, it falls to the ground. Even though gravity is disabled on the skeletal mesh. Changing the gravity scale to 0 is a work aroun ...

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference will crash the Editor.

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 10, 2015

Performing a hot reload on a project that contains an FStringAssetReference inside a struct results in a crash. This was reported to work fine in 4.6.1, but I was unable to verify that is the case. ...

Hot Reload changes actor focus from a component to its root

Tools - Mar 10, 2015

When a hot reload occurs in the editor, if the component of a placed actor is selected then focus will switch from the component to the actor's root. This can be confusing when the root is a code c ...

Navmesh breaks after hitting build or build>paths after upgrading to 4.7.2

UE - AI - Mar 10, 2015

Navmesh breaks and repeats pattern from individual landscape section when a project is updated to 4.7.2 and then build or build paths is pressed. ...

ATan is not available in a Math Expression

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 10, 2015

Using a Math Expression node, atan will generate an error as an unknown expression. Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2471062 [Image Removed] ...

Auto Reimport of FBXs saved out from Maya 2015 Fail

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 10, 2015

FBX assets which are reimported after being successfully imported using the auto import feature (saving the FBX to the Content Folder) are failing to apply changes made to the mesh in Maya 2015, Use ...

ShooterGame player death creates Death Anim Timer handler incorrectly

Docs - Samples - Mar 10, 2015

In ShooterCharacter.cpp (line 376) there is a call to FMath::Min(0.1f, DeathAnimDurtation) that always returns 0.1. User suggests changing FMath::Min() to FMath::Max(). ...