The ReceivedSpectatorClass function in APlayerController may take an incorrect parameter

UE - Gameplay - Jul 7, 2015

The ReceivedSpectatorClass function in APlayerController may have an incorrect parameter. The parameter it takes in is TSubclassOf<AGameMode> SpectatorClass, but this may be intended to be TSubclass ...

OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap are called multiple times when moving in a Skeletal Mesh component's collision

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jul 7, 2015

OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap are called multiple times when moving in a Skeletal Mesh component's collision. This does not occur with a Static Mesh's collision. Test project available her ...

Struct array variables interpret multiple Structs as the same if they have the same values

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 7, 2015

Struct array variables interpret multiple Structs as the same if they have the same values. This does not occur if the values in the Structs added to the array are different. Test project in 4.8.1 ...

A warning is needed for turning off "Update Navigation Automatically", large nav meshes can cause crashes

UE - AI - Jul 7, 2015

A warning is needed before allowing users to uncheck update Navigation Automatically. A user has done so and then created a nav mesh that was 1,000,000 by 1,000,000 in size and they can no longer op ...

Random Stream variables in the GameMode are reset every PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 6, 2015

Random Stream variables in the GameMode are reset every PIE. Workaround is to use Set Random Stream Seed before using the Stream value. Reproduced in 4.7.6, 4.8.1, and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable ...

RepNotify variables passed by reference to a function or macro that then change the value of the variable do not trigger the OnRep function on the Server

UE - Networking - Jul 1, 2015

RepNotify variables passed by reference to a function or macro that then change the value of the variable do not trigger the OnRep function on the Server. This is inconsistent with the behavior with ...

Use Single Process settings adjusted while Use Single Process is disabled are retained while Use Single Process is enabled

UE - Networking - Jul 1, 2015

Use Single Process settings adjusted while Use Single Process is disable are retained while Use Single Process is enabled. This can be problematic when there are issues with having Use Single Proces ...

Plane constraints are stuck even when constrain to plane is turned off

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jul 1, 2015

Pawn Movements can be restricted to a specific plain, even if the planar constraints are turned off. ...

Steam friends list is duplicated when opened for a second time in the packaged version of Shooter Game

UE - Networking - Jun 29, 2015

If a user is logged into a Steam account with between 1 and ~10 friends (Max depends on resolution, as it'll push the excess off the screen) and they open the friends list multiple times, it'll dupl ...

Dialog Windows Still Displayed when Editor is Minimized on Macs

UE - Platform - Apple - Jun 25, 2015

There are some dialog windows that will render on top of other external applications when the editor is minimized and does not have focus.....i.e. 'Building Lighting' and 'Auto-Save' dialog windows. ...