Example 1.3: Constraint Profiles animation not working in ContentExamples

UE - Content - Content Example - Mar 25, 2022

This bug does not occur in //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess or in Release-4.27 making it a regression.  This also occurs in //UE5/Main  ...

Left Clicking a menu that contains an option with a submenu will cause the submenu to close while hovering its options

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 25, 2022

If a menu has an entry that is a submenu, and that submenu has entries in it that are also submenus, then the entire menu will close when left clicking the submenu button instead of hovering it. So ...

Dynamic Inset Shadows are not casting shadows on Skeletal Meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 23, 2022

Dynamic Inset Shadows are not casting shadows on Skeletal Meshes where previously they did. ...

gismos is not rendered correctly in editor with vulkan on mobile preview

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 23, 2022

Custom Primitive Data crash when used from Static Mesh Comp attached to BP Actor

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 22, 2022

When trying to edit custom primitive data on static meshes attached to a BP actor, an out of bounds access will occur. This does not occur when the static mesh is simply on a regular Actor (Same rep ...

Compressed anim sequence data isn't updated immediately when a mesh is reimported

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 21, 2022

It seems that when reimporting a mesh that has added bones we aren't updating the compressed data within the anim sequences to account for the change in indicies of the virtual bones. If a user cal ...

Compressed anim sequence data isn't updated immediately when virtual bones are added

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 21, 2022

It seems that the compressed animation data within an anim sequence is not updated immediately when a virtual bone is added to a skeleton. If the user attempts to call UAnimSequence::GetBoneTransf ...

[MetaSounds] - Sound Waves used in composition cut out after GC in packaged game if the reference graph uses a literal input

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When a Sound Wave is set on a referenced node, and that node is used in composition, the Sound Wave will cut out after some time. This does not occur if the reference node uses an Input node for the ...