Delay in updating coordinates in camera manager of sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 18, 2022

This problem was reproduced in 5.0 Preview 2. According to the licensee, this did not occur in 4.26. Not sure if this is related to the camera manager, but some objects are delayed at the end of s ...

Asset localization does not work properly for Paper2D related assets such as Flipbook

UE - Foundation - Mar 18, 2022

This issue is resolved by changing Paper2D's LoadingPhase to PostConfigInit, but this is a workaround. We suggest a better long term fix via AssetRegistry changes (see comments). In the default la ...

Event dispatchers show replication settings but don't support replication

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 18, 2022

We should ideally hide the setting, but at the very least we can make it a warning if you check it indicating it's not gonna do anything. [Link Removed] ...

"Distance Field Resolution Scale" in Build Settings is set to 0 by importing assets via "Import into a level"

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Mar 18, 2022

"Distance Field Resolution Scale" in Build Settings is set to 0 by importing assets via "Import into a level". That causes not to genarate any distance field meshes of all assets imported via "Imp ...

[MetaSounds][Trigger Route] - If Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on triggering Set

UE - Audio - MetaSounds - Mar 18, 2022

When using the Trigger Route node, if Value 0 is a non-zero value and Value 1 is a zero value, the output "pops" on set. [Link Removed] ...

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 17, 2022

Editor crashes when an Animation Blueprint Template is compiled with 'Layered Blend Per Bone' node. ...

Adding a new macro to a Blueprint Macro Library after renaming the first macro causes a crash

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 17, 2022

It seems the editor crashes when adding a new Macro to a Blueprint Macro Library. This only occurs if you rename the macro that gets automatically created when you open the macro library to somethin ...

Starter Content's "P_Explosion" does not successfully convert to a Niagara System - incorrect loop, spawn, sprite size, and collision behaviors

UE - Niagara - Cascade - Mar 17, 2022

Starter Content's "P_Explosion" does not successfully convert to a Niagara System - incorrect loop, spawn, sprite size, and collision behaviors Changes needed for / issues found with each emitter:A ...

Setting Key Interpolation for a point on a curve to Auto behaves differently from UE4 and more like User Interpolation

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 17, 2022

Setting Key Interpolation for a point on a curve to Auto behaves differently than it did in UE4. The results are more akin to the User Interpolation with flat tangents. ...

Saving a Slate Vector Art asset causes a crash

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 17, 2022

Saving a Slate Vector Art asset causes a crash. ...