Input consumed by a widget's action binding can be skipped if using key modifiers

UE - Gameplay - Input - Oct 29, 2021

The following code in UPlayerInput::GetChordsForKeyMapping is at fault for this:  !(KeyMapping.bAlt || KeyMapping.bCtrl || KeyMapping.bShift || KeyMapping.bCmd || ActionBinding.KeyEvent == EInputEv ...

MoviePipeline: Can't inherit from UMoviePipelineSetting in BP due to PURE_VIRTUAL

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 28, 2021

IsValidOnMaster/IsValidOnShot need to be BlueprintNativeEvents with a default C++ implementation and allow derived classes to override the function. This is needed so that you can create custom set ...

Instances of Blueprints implemented native interface cannot be assigned to interface variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Oct 28, 2021

FInterfaceProperty::SerializeItem (and ImportText) attempt to determine if the passed in object implements the interface in question. They do this by calling GetInterfaceAddress, which tries to get ...

OSS Steam: SteamSocket listen connections do not work after poll group changes

UE - Online - Oct 25, 2021

In 4.27 the logic in SteamSocket.cpp which is part of the SteamSockets plugin was changed to use Poll Groups instead of a removed API function that checked all children of a listen socket. However,  ...

Native default subobjects nulled in child Blueprints on compile

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Oct 25, 2021

From reporting UDN: "We had a weird issue with new components added in C++ not being instanced properly on non-direct Blueprint children. It seems to happen if loading of the parent BP is deferred ...

Cloth debug materials cause asynchronous queue to be flushed out

UE - Simulation - Physics - Character - Oct 25, 2021

The cloth debug materials are causing a slower opening of the editor. Would be better done at plugin initialization time. ...

Const Blueprint Implementable Events don't update if const is removed from the native declaration

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 19, 2021

Constness is not updated in overridden BlueprintImplementableEvents when the native declaration is made non-const.  ...

Enum pin obscures icon on comparison operator nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Oct 18, 2021

Enum pin dropdown obscures the icons of the enum == and != nodes. ...

Undo/Redo can cause the gizmo to desync from a leaf-selected component

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 18, 2021

This is a regression from 4.27. This is happening because of the change to typed elements. UEditorEngine::PostUndo, when combined with the typed element changes causes the selection set to reorder ...

Crash adding subscene to a looped subscene - MovieSceneSequenceTransform.h - WarpCounts.Num() == NestedTransformsSize

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Oct 11, 2021

Crash adding subscene to a looped subscene. Note this did not repro with brand new sequences not sure what's different about this older content. This also occurs in Release-5.0. ...