FGeometryCacheSceneProxy crashes engine when rendering through command prompt

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - USD - Aug 23, 2021

Came across this bug when verifying [Link Removed]. Seems there was a different crash reason. When testing, this bugs seems to happen only half the time while the other half it succeeds without issu ...

Sometimes when Sequencer window refreshes the mute property on tracks are toggled

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 23, 2021

Issue was noticed by Grayson in For.tnite/Main. Regression: No this occurred similarly in 4.27 still not 100% repro but some modification in sequence triggered toggling the mute track ...

Compiling a Blueprint class resets the actor label in the World Outliner for all instances of that class.

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 19, 2021

Any instances of a Blueprint class that were given a custom label in the World Outliner will have their labels reset to the object instance name whenever that Blueprint class is recompiled. The lab ...

AbilityAsync objects do not have proper EndAction support

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 18, 2021

UAbilityAsync objects do not properly support a way to EndAction like a UAbilityTask. ...

Crash in FMacApplication::FindScreenByCocoaPosition when using the mouse in the ILIAD plugin.

UE - Platform - Apple - Aug 18, 2021

I think this could occur anytime but is probably very rare. However using this plugin from the reported UDN makes it much easier to repro as they are calling FMacApplication::ConvertCocoaPositionTo ...

Datasmith Tessellation does not work as operator in the visual dataprep

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Visual Dataprep - Aug 18, 2021

Enum to string conversion has different results in PIE vs Cooked builds

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Runtime - Aug 17, 2021

This is because the metadata is editor only and will be stripped in a cooked build. We should make the behavior of the to string function consistent between PIE and a cooked build. ...

Plugin Config filenames need to be different for Engine vs Game plugins

UE - Foundation - Core - Aug 16, 2021

Right now, plugins installed to the game directory will only load plugin-specific config files with the path /Project/Plugins/PluginPath/Config/*Default*PluginName.ini. However, engine plugins will ...

GPU Debug Label is not set on some textures

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 11, 2021

texture streaming is one of the reasons that drop the label but not the only reason. add a line of code RHIBindDebugLabelName(NewTexture, *OldTexture->GetName().ToString()); into FMetalDynamicRHI:: ...