Creating a new project based on VR template requires user to compile DDC with installed engine

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - May 27, 2021

Found that with machines that have not created a project based on this template before that DDC needed to be compiled with an installed engine, while other machines that have created a project with ...

Crash assigning static mesh to LightWeightInstanceStaticMeshManager

UE - Gameplay - May 21, 2021

Crash occurs when the user assigns a static to the Instanced Static Mesh Component in a LightWeightInstanceStaticMeshManager. I couldn't reproduce this with an actor blueprint with an ISMC or HISMC ...

r.MaxAnisotropy does not work in editor

UE - Graphics Features - May 21, 2021

Setting r.MaxAnisotropy by console in editor has no effect on texture sampler's MaxAnisotropy. If the startup value of r.MaxAnisotropy is 8, then the MaxAnisotropy is always 8 no matter how  r.MaxA ...

Editor hard-locks when deleting a level converted to World Partition

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - World Partition - May 20, 2021

Encountering an editor hard-lock when attempting to delete a level converted to World Partition. I'm unable to reproduce this hard-lock if the level is created using World Partition, only post-conv ...

[Submix][Content Browser] - Deleting an unsaved Submix asset (any type) causes them to reappear when creating a new asset

UE - Audio - Submixes - May 13, 2021

Deleting unsaved Submix assets causes them to reappear the next time you create a new asset. Issue does not occur in 4.26, but does occur in 4.27 and 5.0. ...

Actor variable type has distractingly large tooltip comment

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - May 4, 2021

Actor.h has a large comment that describes the entire lifecycle of Actors, which was written for the API website ( ...

Copy/Pasting static meshes from the level into a blueprint doesn't work

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 29, 2021

It's likely that this bug has been around for quite a while. The user reports that the issue could possibly be in FCustomizableTextObjectFactory::ProcessBuffer, but this seems more like it could be ...

Retainer box widget causes progress bars to render incorrectly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 14, 2021

Retainer boxes are currently causing progress bars to render incorrectly. This looks to be related to [Link Removed] which is fallout from the changes to retainer widget transform calculation introd ...