When playing the two metronome sounds, it is expected that when the 1bar asset loops, it will stay in time with the 12 bar asset; however, instead phasing begins to occur. This does not occur when ...
When reloading utility widgets the Movie Scene Property Track seems to be unrecognized causing cast nodes to become invalid. ...
Within the actor snapshot area, you can categorize information into different sub-trees, each of which are expandable. However as you scrub through the timeline and new events happen, any sub-catego ...
The Other Developers folder is comparing against the virtual path of a file to see if it starts with "/Game/Developers", but the virtual paths of all the developer folders start with "/All/Game/Deve ...
If multiplying a mesh with ComplexCollision by inverse scale, the geometry may not be created on the mesh. This may depend on the assets of the mesh. In the sample example, the navmesh is not create ...
"stat llm" does not show that the Audio summary value is the sum of Audio related tags. In the attached screenshot, when executing "stat llmfull", the AudioSummary value is less than the sum of "Aud ...
Destroying the owning actor as a response to an anim montage's anim notify causes unsafe access of the current anim montage. See repro steps. ...
We've seen some reports of GPU memory leaks during source control operations caused by the animation of the throbber widget, potentially leading to a crash if GPU memory runs out. The crash has been ...
If executing CreateDynamicMaterialInstance and SetTextureParameterValue on BeginPlay for the decal component, the decal will be different the first and second time level streaming. ...
In the following section, AnimationStreamingManager incorrectly adds in Audio's LLMTag. void FAnimationStreamingManager::UpdateResourceStreaming(float DeltaTime, bool bProcessEverything /*= fals ...