Exporting to FBx nanite staticmesh, export the low res fallback LOD 0

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - Dec 7, 2022

The exporter export the render data and the nanite render data is on the gpu and is not accessible, this is why it export the fallback mesh. Its more complex then it appear since we will need to do ...

Text cannot be displayed when switching languages if a text is constructed using LocalizationTable at runtime.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Localization - Dec 5, 2022

Using LocalizationTable in text localization does not switch text correctly. This is not a problem in UE4.27, but it is a problem in UE5.0 and later.  ...

DTLS Handler Component module cannot startup on Xbox

UE - Networking - Dec 1, 2022

It seems as though enabling the DTLS handler component no longer functions on Xbox, and it's possible enabling this packet handler no longer works on other platforms as well. It may also be worth in ...

r.AllowOcclusionQueries 0 keeps increasing PrimitiveOcclusionHistorySet memory

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Nov 29, 2022

r.AllowOcclusionQueries 0 skips the call to TrimOcclusionHistory(), so the PrimitiveOcclusionHistorySet container continues to grow. ...

Niagara compile error : Select Position from Array

UE - Niagara - Nov 24, 2022

A similar node, Select Vector From Array, does not have this problem. The difference between the two seems to be whether or not Required is checked in the input node's exposure options. ...

The Label field does not function for Editor Utility Tool Menu Entry

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Nov 22, 2022

Labels for buttons added to the Level Editor Toolbar from the Editor Utility Tool Menu Entry blueprint do not appear in the toolbar. This functionality did exist in 4.26/4.27 but no longer seems to ...

Scroll box hand icon is small when DPI scaling is enabled

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Nov 22, 2022

The scroll box widget currently hides the cursor and manually draws a closed hand software cursor in SScrollBox::OnPaint when right clicking and dragging. This software cursor does not account for D ...

Vector NotEqual / != displays default tolerance of "0" instead of "0.0001"

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Nov 22, 2022

If this is just a display issue, it's still fairly significant because a tolerance of 0 and anything else are very different. I have not confirmed if it's only display or if the comparison is actual ...

Rect Light distribution incorrect with CPU Lightmass

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 22, 2022