Mesh paint erroneously selects occluded vertices when multiple meshes selected

UE - LD & Modeling - Nov 8, 2022

Licensee reports that occluded vertices are picked in mesh paint when multiple meshes are selected. Since we use line tracing + math to determine the target vertex in mesh paint mode, rather than h ...

[AI] Investigate checking if Owner is an AIController in EnvQueryTest_Pathfinding to get default NavQueryFilter

UE - AI - EQS - Nov 7, 2022

BTTask_MoveTo and EnvQueryTest_Pathfinding don't use the same pattern to obtain the NavigationFilter to be used if the filter is not set. The BTTask_MoveTo uses the controllers GetDefaultNavigationF ...

Ctrl key Transform Sensitivity Control Conflicts with RMB Viewport Controls

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Nov 3, 2022

When you hold down Ctrl key in the viewport set to Perspective mode, you can transform the selected actor(s) without having to actually click the transform gizmo. So Ctrl+LMB transforms on the X axi ...

Tools>Debug>Modules button may not appear

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Oct 26, 2022

This is due to Plugin loading order. If the EditorDebugTool plugin is loaded before *SourceCodeAccess( in exsample : VisualStudioSourceCodeAccess ) plugin is loaded, CanShowModulesTab() returns fals ...

AO Decals not working when using Lumen

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 14, 2022

When lumen enabled, and with static lighting disabled, we expect the Material AO to contribute to diffuse lighting occlusion. However AO from decals does not have any effect. ...

NormalizePackageNames() should interpret 'exclude developer folders' to also exclude packages in ExternalActors and ExternalObjects

UE - Foundation - Core - Oct 14, 2022

In NormalizePackageNames() (PackageUtilities.cpp), there is a PackageFilter parameter, which can be set to exclude developer packages (NORMALIZE_ExcludeDeveloperPackages). The code only checks the b ...

Incorrect mesh offset behavior when playing a forward start after following "Adapting Lyra animation to your UE5 game"

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 13, 2022

See the answer in the UDN: [Link Removed] We may want to update the blog post with a suggested fix, or wait until the automatic root offset tech is production ready. ...

Use Borderless Window setting doesn't work on Mac

UE - Platform - Apple - Oct 10, 2022

[Link Removed] The UseBorderlessWindow setting appears to not be implemented on Mac. We currently only apply the NWWindowStyleMaskBorderless style for tooltips and other "irregular" windows, so w ...

AdvanceTimeByDistanceMatching doesn't respect PlayRateClamp when DistanceTraveled is 0

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Oct 6, 2022

UDN link: [Link Removed] ...