Camera cut warmup does not take into account the shot's camera cut track when rendering from the master sequence. Rendering the shot alone will, however. ...
From UDN: "In FBoneContainer::GetRetargetSourceCachedData, the source bones are assumed to relate to the same skeleton as the bone container, which is not the case when using a skeleton remapping t ...
This is caused by use of MakeMemoryView on arrays of structures in PoseSearchFeatureChannels.cpp. Need a proper serialization path for hash key gen here. ...
The object filter in the blueprint debugger can be used to filter breakpoints to a specific instance of an object. This is important for multiplayer because there will be multiple versions of the sa ...
Reproduced 3/3 times. A similar bug occurred with PhysX ([Link Removed]) Check the function: FVector FSimpleAerodynamicsSim::GetCombinedForces(float VelocityIn) if the velocityIn is negative, th ...
When using Attenuations with MetaSounds, if the Attenuation Shape is Sphere it works as expected. However, other shapes do not work correctly. The sound either becomes deactive or sometimes the soun ...
NOTESThis issue is not encountered when a controller is connected to the device.Please note that the "Touch And Motion" settings were all set to default throughout all occurrences of this defect.Ple ...
We should at least update the comments on the CreateDefaultSubobject function warning people about the troubles and weird behavior that could occur when you call it from within a nested subobject ...