If you make a Blueprint Macro Library that derives from UObject you are then unable to use any functions that require a WorldContext, like Delay. This is because the WorldContext cannot be assumed l ...
Locking the mouse to a widget covered by a Retainerbox locks it in a different position in the standalone/packaging application than in PIE. This does not happen if RetainerBox is disabled and the ...
Renaming a NiagaraEmitter to a specific asset name changes it to an unspecified asset name. This happens only with NiagaraEmitter, not with other assets. ...
GDelayTrimMemoryDuringMapLoadMode is a CVar that controls whether a garbage collection should take place during map change after unloading the previous map and before loading the new one. By default ...
From the UDN case #00649142: My team noticed a bug where sometimes when using "Undo" (Ctrl+Z usually) the BP they are working on disappears in the level. We were able to find a 100% repro case when ...
If a project from UE 4.27 or earlier has a blueprint with a reroute node dangling (no outgoing connection) from a Custom Event Node's delegate pin (red), this blueprint will crash when loaded in UE ...
FLinearColor FColorSpaceTransform::Apply(const FLinearColor& Color) crashes while attempting to VectorLoadAligned() when running the UnrealEditor on Ubuntu 22.04. ...
In AbilitySystemComponent_Abilities.cpp, the check for the client being on a different section on line 3059 checks that the RepNextSectionID is not the current section. One would assume this is beca ...
It's possible for the server to send a client's character a movement correction with the wrong movement mode. This can occur if a project has client adjustment throttling settings enabled: Networ ...
Commenting out the branch in FTriangleMeshSweepVisitor::VisitSweep is a work-around.if (CullsBackFaceSweepsCode != 0) { if (VectorMaskBits(IsBackFace)) { // Don't cull the back face ...