When Niagara FX of a recording actor is spawned during taking a record, that FX behavior must be recorded and able to be playbacked. However, Niagara Component Auto Activation by BP node is not reco ...
Came out of [Link Removed] and is related to this one too I think that this is signaling that we need better solutions for input consumption in the engine honestly. This is a constant pain point ...
Volumetric Lightmaps are not shared between Persistent maps that have the same sublevels. Also observed in Release-5.4, CL 32500436 ...
The sleep state will be overwritten in ClusterUnionManager::UpdateAllClusterUnionProperties. Clustering using AClusterUnionActor results the same behavior as well. ...
In the repro project the player camera has a post process material that slightly darkens the frame by subtracting 0.01 from the final color. When a camera animation based on a camera sequence is pla ...
Virtual Textures can be assigned to Texture Sample Parameters that are not configured for Virtual Textures, if that parameter is inside of a Material Layer. Also found in Release-5.4, CL 32426910 ...
A check happens when copy/pasting a Curve Atlas Row Parameter Expression that has no value. This behavior also exists on CL 32426910 of Release-5.4. ...
When a nanite mesh moves, the shadow does not. ...
If you add Static Mesh (cube) in this Level Sequence and click on it in Sequencer, you can observe the Spline Path that the cube is following is changing its shape when keys in Sequencer are zoomed ...
[Image Removed] ...