Arithmetic assignment operators (e.g. +=, *=) in Niagara inputs are applied twice .

UE - Niagara - Jan 9, 2024

Arithmetic assignment operators seem to be applied twice when committed in the Niagara stack.  This occurs when entering *= 2.0 for example into a float input. This may be the result of the SNiagar ...

Gameplay Effects can hold stale references to GameplayTags when switching Gameplay Effect Component type

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Jan 9, 2024

Gameplay Effects can hold stale references to Gameplay Tags when the adding component is switched for a different type. The tags are serialised, and their presence can be confirmed with Reference Vi ...

Some debug modes do not work in PIE

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jan 9, 2024

It looks like the output of the debug pass is ignored, and the final output from the last frame before the pass was enabled is displayed instead. If the pass is modified to return a different textu ...

Blueprint editor can crash on removing one of a Sequence node's exec pins

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Dec 22, 2023

User reported that upon removing a pin from a Sequence node the editor crashed. This only happened once, so may be a multithreading race condition or there may be additional unknown factors. The cra ...

Additive Animation does not work as intended when Ref Frame Index is more than zero

UE - Anim - Runtime - Dec 19, 2023

In some conditions, additive animation shows different/wrong behavior on Standalone Game and packaged game, from the other PIE. Watch the attached video. [Link Removed] The key points to reproduce ...

Adding "Add Velocity" module to event handler stage causes ensure (ensureMsg)

UE - Niagara - Scripting - Dec 19, 2023

Adding a module which has Required Dependencies (such as "Add Velocity") to event handler stage causes ensureMsg. > > In system /Game/NewNiagaraSystem.NewNiagaraSystem, module AddVelocity (NiagaraN ...

Animation attributes - user defined structs containing types defined in plugins cannot be registered

UE - Anim - Runtime - Dec 18, 2023

This issue is caused by us forcing user defined structs to be loaded as part of AttributeTypes::Initialize.  That is called after at the ObjectSystemReady run phase during engine initialization howe ...

[AI] ZoneGraph does not update build settings when changed in project settings

UE - AI - Navigation - Dec 11, 2023

The build settings for ZoneGraph do not get refreshed after the editor loads. Changing the snap distance or the snap angle will not be reflected in the ZoneGraph until you reload the editor. You can ...

FSoftObjectPath::ResolveObject references to the Editor's object in the first frame of Movie Render Queue

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Dec 8, 2023

When implementing a sequencer system that uses FSoftObjectPath to reference an actor placed in a level (at runtime, the corresponding actor is obtained by calling FSoftObjectPath::ResolveObject), Re ...

Anim Sequence editor no longer displays track names

UE - Anim - Runtime - Dec 7, 2023

Looks like this was broken during the anim data model refactor.  The data exists on the data model now so we can probably display this via a details customization ...