The WindowsVideoRecordingSystem can start to record late when a StartAction is done. Not sure if it starts to record late, or the first seconds of the resulting video are ommited when the mp4 file i ...
When using a created tool of the ScriptableTool plugin, and setting an InstanceEditable variable, the tool might get close. For this to happen, we need to have a ToolPropertySet attached to the too ...
From PCGVolume.cpp: PCGComponent = ObjectInitializer.CreateDefaultSubobject<UPCGComponent>(this, TEXT("PCG Component")); The Component name with a space does not support a round trip through FSof ...
As part of the Python and Editor Scripting Tools, it is possible to programmatically set variables in actor instances of the current level just like when using the Details Panel in the Level Editor. ...
When using static or dynamic modifiers only navmesh, there are times that the navmesh will build and display correctly in editor, but it does not get properly loaded at runtime (PIE/SIE). The Recast ...
A crash occurs to the engine as when we when have unreal as a backgroud task, and we try to drag and drop a layer to another by selecting the layer visibility button. ...
When a world partition level (but streaming disabled) is placed as a LevelInstance in another world partition level, actors in the inner level are cooked with an outdated component hierarchy until t ...
A subtle yellow tint color shift occurs when Lumen is active due to usage of R11G11B10_Float targets, mostly from r.Lumen.ScreenProbeGather.SpatialFilterProbes where we ping-pong between R11G11B10_F ...
The NiagaraFluids plugin provides several Niagara System templates to use as a starting point for the user's own Systems. The templates in category "3D Gas", such as "Grid 3D Gas Explosion", include ...
When editing a GameplayTagQuery inside of the editor, there are times when the query editor will not update the query when selecting Ok or fail to return the query to its original state before editi ...