Moving noise is visible in hair shadows when Lumen screen traces are active

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 18, 2024

Dark moving noise is visible in hair in the shadows when Lumen screen traces are active.  Example of noise when screen tracing is frozen:[Image Removed] Turning off Lumen screen traces using r.Lume ...

ExportMaterialUVDensities() gets the incorrect value where the alpha channel is referenced

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 16, 2024

ExportMaterialUVDensities() gets the incorrect value where the alpha channel is referenced (e.g. RegisterIndex of the texture is [3] or [7]) because FMeshRenderer::RenderMaterialTexCoordScales() use ...

MaterialTextureScale calculated incorrectly for materials with WorldPositionOffset

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Apr 16, 2024

When a Material uses WorldPositionOffset, the MaterialTextureScale is calculated incorrectly because FMaterialUtilities::ExportMaterialUVDensities() calls FMeshRenderer::RenderMaterialTexCoordScales ...

Opening a Level inside the ReferenceViewer does not Prompt the Save window if the Level is dirty.

UE - Editor - Applied Usability - Apr 15, 2024

If you right click on a level node in the reference viewer and choose edit, it will bypass prompting you to save unsaved changes in your current level, silently discarding all unsaved work. ...

SkeletalMeshActor flickers rapidly when PhysicsAsset contains multiple boxes.

- Apr 12, 2024

SkeletalMeshActor using a PhysicsAsset with custom box shapes may flicker rapidly in Editor when not selected, and also flickers in PIE mode. If occlusion culling is disabled the flickering stops. ...

Landscape LOD behaviours is not working as expected (Its Calculation is not based on Sections anymore)

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 10, 2024

"Components can optionally be divided into either 1 or 4 (2x2) subsections to increase the resolution of the Landscape. These subsections are the base unit of Landscape LOD calculation." From Doc ...

Edit Conditions on Struct that contains FGameplayTagQuery leave the property readonly

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Apr 8, 2024

When inside an array is used a UStruct with a FGameplayTagQuery var that has the EditCondition meta that is evaluating inside the struct. When a new element is added to the array in the editor, if a ...

ENiagaraCoordinateSpace is not exposed to Python, meaning the FXConverterUtilitiesLibrary create_script_input_enum function does not work when setting that parameter.

UE - Niagara - Cascade - Apr 8, 2024

The user was having issues with setting the correct ENiagaraCoordinateSpace enum in their python script. This enum currently exists in the engine as both a user-defined enum (which is deprecated), a ...

HDRi Backdrop Animation in Sequencer

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 5, 2024

HDRIBackdrop objects cannot be rotated in Sequencer. This issue can be resolved by setting the "Run Construction Script in Sequencer" checkbox to True in the "HDRIBackdrop" blueprint. If HDRI Back ...

CSM Shadows disappearing at larger coordinates with different FOVs

UE - Graphics Features - Shadows - Apr 5, 2024

Cascaded shadows disappear at some FOVs when far from the world origin. This behavior was not present in 5.2. Also found in CL: 32690246 in Release-5.4 ...