In some conditions, additive animation shows different/wrong behavior on Standalone Game and packaged game, from the other PIE. Watch the attached video. [Link Removed] The key points to reproduce ...
Adding a module which has Required Dependencies (such as "Add Velocity") to event handler stage causes ensureMsg. > > In system /Game/NewNiagaraSystem.NewNiagaraSystem, module AddVelocity (NiagaraN ...
This issue is caused by us forcing user defined structs to be loaded as part of AttributeTypes::Initialize. That is called after at the ObjectSystemReady run phase during engine initialization howe ...
The build settings for ZoneGraph do not get refreshed after the editor loads. Changing the snap distance or the snap angle will not be reflected in the ZoneGraph until you reload the editor. You can ...
When implementing a sequencer system that uses FSoftObjectPath to reference an actor placed in a level (at runtime, the corresponding actor is obtained by calling FSoftObjectPath::ResolveObject), Re ...
Looks like this was broken during the anim data model refactor. The data exists on the data model now so we can probably display this via a details customization ...
Typically, non-animated bones behave the same way as extra bones on a target skeleton. However, it appears that this isn't the case for mesh space additive sequences. When a bone is present on th ...
Apple added a new Entitlement plist value starting with iOS15 to allow connecting with GameCenter. It's a boolean value with the key: Without it, the app can not co ...
This behavior is inconsistent with the behavior of non-nanite meshes, which receive light and cast shadows only from lights in the same lighting channel. [Image Removed] ...
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