The Build All Levels editor action cleans up the world's NavDataSet (UNavigationSystemV1::NavDataSet) as pre-rebuild world cleanup by calling: SetNavigationSystem(nullptr); inside UWorld::Cleanu ...
When creating a PackedLevelActor by packing multiple StaticMesh, the navmesh isn't generated correctly on top of it. In detail, navmesh is generated by splitting on navtiles. This is probably due to ...
When the character class is set to always relevant, if a client travels very far away from another character, such that the character is relevant but the component they're standing on is not (but al ...
In some situation, Slate tries to secure incredible amount size data and run out of memory. This happens a cell having very long and complex serialized text appears on the editor and it is placed to ...
When using infinite or duration-based effects, required and ignored tags will have no effect on attribute modifiers. This appears to be caused by OnAttributeAggregatorDirty (GameplayEffect.cpp:2917) ...
When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Manual toHistogram, the exposure level resets and takes time to settle. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Als ...
When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Histogram to Manual, there is a single-frame flash. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Also found in 5.4, CL 3 ...
A UDN user reports materials referincing parameter collections by index instead of by name. The problem manifests itself when rearranging the order of parameters belonging to collections, as the edi ...
Xcode has an issue with repeated launches onto an iOS device. After the initial install, Xcode is unable to install any other builds of that same app due to some sort of codesigning issue. A work ...
Running the ResavePackages commandlet will consistently result in a crash. The callstack is here: Assertion failed: !IsRooted() [Link Removed] [Line: 265] UnrealEditor_Engine!UMaterialInterface::P ...