Does *not* occur in editor. Only in standalone and runtime. Occurs when modulating Chorus or Bit Depth Also occurs in 5.2 and 5.3. I also noticed the test with this is supposed to set the chorus e ...
Possibly a regression, but I could reproduce this issue as far as 5.2, so unsure when it started. The issue seems to be that the cloth painting tool lock the camera movements during painting, but d ...
Using the new GameplayEffect's component based configuration, selected tags (FGameplayTagRequirements) don't inherit from parent GameplayEffect blueprints to child BPs. ...
The cooker settings include the ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedServer/ClassesExcludedOnDedicatedClient lists, which specify classes that should be excluded when cooking a dedicated server/client. These l ...
This will need more investigation, but at least in PIE (to check if we can do the same in editor), when a level is streamed-in, we should only add the new missing folders for this level and when str ...
The channel output for 5.1 Waveplayer on MetaSounds is different when Platform Default (Vorbis) codec is chosen on Windows Platform Default - L, C, R, LS, RS, LFEBink, PCM, ADPCM - L, R, C, LFE, LS ...
The class FcollisionProfileNameCustomization customizes the property editor for the class FcollisionProfileName. However, it does not handle the case where multiple assets/actors are being edited si ...
Video example: [Link Removed] Occurs in 5.2 as well as 5.2. ...
During seamless travel, the engine renames kept actors into the transition/destination level. This process results in the actor's components being unregistered and re-registered. For the ability sys ...
When an actor channel is cleaned up, the actor and its subobjects in the CreateSubObjects array are destroyed/marked as garbage in DestroyActorAndComponents. However, default subobjects are not adde ...