A static mesh far from the origin appears to wobble in PIE

UE - Rendering Architecture - Aug 3, 2023

It seems that the numbers are rounded in VertexFactoryCommon shader. The cube consists of vertices that are very far from the origin and are placed on the screen by placing them at coordinates that ...

NumNonClothingSections logic is bad

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Jul 26, 2019

We use the NumNonClothing section number to iterate in the sections, this is an error if the cloth sections are not at the end of the sections array. See the following picture of a search on NumNonC ...

SkeletalMeshActor flickers rapidly when PhysicsAsset contains multiple boxes.

- Apr 12, 2024

SkeletalMeshActor using a PhysicsAsset with custom box shapes may flicker rapidly in Editor when not selected, and also flickers in PIE mode. If occlusion culling is disabled the flickering stops. ...