Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component

UE - Simulation - Physics - Apr 10, 2017

Incorrect collision of merged actor that was merged from a Spline Mesh Component Licensee description: We often use spline mesh blueprints to generate organic art for us, like roots, trees, and r ...

Compile Warning for Local TMap Variables

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Apr 12, 2017

When using TMaps within a function in blueprints & then compiling the blueprint causes a warning to be created in the output log. In some test cases it only occurs with a local function TMap variabl ...

Ambiguous Search Warning After Recompiling Blueprint of an Object Involved in a Level Sequence

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Apr 18, 2017

The licensee is receiving an ambiguous search warning after recompiling the blueprint of an object involved in a level sequence that is contained in a hidden sublevel (which is then loaded and made ...

Crash when adding Actor Array Element to a Sequencer Event Struct

UE - Anim - Sequencer - May 25, 2017

Crash when adding Actor Array Element to a Sequencer Event Struct Error message: Assertion failed: 0 [Link Removed] [Line: 56] Source Context: 42 N = FName(*StringName); 43 ...

Editor Crashes When Attempting to Maximize Standalone Window While a Startup Movie is Playing

Tools - Jun 2, 2017

The editor is crashing when clicking the Maximize button on a standalone window when a startup movie is playing. ...

Components stop reporting overlap after a certain amount of actors are attached

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 5, 2017

Components stop reporting overlap after a certain amount of actors are attached Warning Trying to simulate physics on ''/Game/UEDPIE_0_Level1.Level1:PersistentLevel.Cube7.StaticMeshComponent0'' but ...

Recorded sequences create broken "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 19, 2017

Recorded sequences create "Visibility" tracks instead of "Hidden in Game" Tracks. "Visibility" tracks appear to be legacy tracks that you can't create anymore, but is still created by Sequence Reco ...

Crash from pausing an UMG animation using the event track

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jun 27, 2017

When pausing a widget animation by using an event using the event track to pause the animation the editor crashes when you play the animation via PIE or standalone. Tested in 4.15.3 - CL 3450819 4. ...

Crash occurs with gameplay tag map variable compiles with default value changed

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 28, 2017

there is a crash that occurs with gameplay tag map variable compiles with default value changed. This issue occurs no matter what the secondary value of the map is. I was unable to test this issue i ...

Unhovered event occurs twice with 3D Widget when button is pressed and held

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jul 21, 2017

When using a 3D Widget that is a button when you press and hold a button and move off of the widget and let go of the mouse the engine registers a second unhovered event. Engine Version tested 4.1 ...