Crash When Enabling SSAO Smoothing with MSAA Enabled

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 12, 2019

The Editor is crashing when enabling SSAO while MSAA is enabled.  Found in 4.23 CL# 8386587 and 4.24 CL# 8569829 ...

Renaming a Blueprint variable loses override in grandchild Blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 26, 2019

Renaming a Blueprint variable loses override in grandchild Blueprint. Modifying and saving the BP_Child fixes the issue with BP_Grandchild losing overrides.  ...

Stationary directional light per-object shadows not working with origin rebasing

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 2, 2019

Not 100% clear if this is a bug or expected behaviour, but raising it as it needs looking it. Can't see it as fixed elsewhere. Confirmed broken in 4.24 too. ...

Vive Trackpad X and Y always return 0

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 3, 2020

Platform-specific input for pad axis in 4.24 leads to missing value in VIVE. in 4.23.1 this is not reproduced. ...

FFT corruption in bloom from sampling outside of viewport

UE - Graphics Features - May 27, 2021

Licensee has suggested a fix: "Switching to >= resolves the problem: in GPUFastFourierTransform2DCore.ush, `bool InWindow = ...` at lines 127, 144, 170, and 185." ...

Splitscreen View2 influences translucency in view 1

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 2, 2021

The videos + screenshots in the zip file show the issue on the modified gun sight. The licensee has provided a suggested fix here -[Link Removed] ...

Custom data update crash - invalid memory when removing an instance from a UHierarchicalInstancedStaticMeshComponent

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - May 3, 2022

This is a race condition, did not crash with -onethread. Attached the collected threaded callstacks, although they look misaligned. Licensee has provided a suggested fix. ...

Non-deterministic cooking issue in .uexp of level asset file

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Jan 17, 2023

There is a deterministic cooking issue with .uexp map of level asset. [Link Removed] is the similar issue  fixing by CL#19723275, but it still there.  ...

LevelInstance: Editor Texture Streaming (UDN)

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Level Instances - Aug 14, 2023

Further investigate and fix Editor Level Instance texture streaming data update which currently isn't being updated when moving a Level Instance in the editor. ...

Cannot copy from the message log when building with Clang

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 8, 2024

This was disabled for clang a long time ago in CL 3019423 due to a codegen crash but seems like the bug is fixed now ...