Sequencer particle toggle tracks evaluate one extra frame

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Jul 1, 2020

It looks like particle toggle tracks use TimeRangeToNumberRange which gives the incorrect range as a result of CL 10893518 which fixed [Link Removed]. ...

Deterministic cooking issue caused by ParticleModuleTypeDataGPU

UE - Niagara - Jan 18, 2021

This problem is similar to the following case. [Link Removed] [Link Removed] It seems to have been fixed in 4.16, but the licensee reported it in 4.25. ...

Can't connect Date Time and Time Spawn pins to math nodes

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Feb 2, 2023

we can do a "cheap fix" here by adding the "IgnoreTypePromotion" metadata to the date time functions, but there are some underlying issues with the FindBestMatching func in this case causing it to f ...

Light function materials using WorldPosition do not render correctly to volumetric fog if there is more than one

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 27, 2023

There is a one-line fix for this in a shader file, see their PR on GitHub: ...

Start time of subtitle gets incorrectly modified at runtime

Tools - Apr 14, 2016

The time field of a subtitle is incremented incorrectly at runtime. This is caused by the wrong array being modified by the subtitle manager when queuing subtitles. A fix is provided by the licensee ...

Viewports: Marquee selection always selects skeletal meshes in ortho viewports

Tools - Apr 16, 2015

Box select always selects skeletal meshes in ortho viewports, even when not touching the actor. Switching on Strict Box Selection fixes it as a workaround. ...

Crash in FMediaPlayerBase::TickPlayer in Shipping builds

Media Framework - Jul 28, 2017

A crash can occur in FMediaPlayerBase::TickPlayer in Shipping builds. This is because FMediaPlayerBase::NativePlayer is not a thread-safe shared pointer. The fix is to make it ESPMode::ThreadSafe. ...

Allow demo functions from Execute Console Command.

UE - Networking - Aug 10, 2017

Continuation of [Link Removed] Previous ticket addressed the crash. However, it didn't fix the FScoedLevelCollectionContextSwitch to allow for demo commands to be run from Execute Console Commands. ...

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Sep 18, 2019

GenerateVisibileRayTracingMeshCommands Severely Reduces Foliage Performance Even if no RayTracing is Used. Found in 4.23 CL# 8386587 and 4.24 CL# 8748719 ...

Soft Object References set directly on parameters are not correctly referenced

UE - Gameplay - Mar 19, 2020

REGRESSION: This regressed between 4.23 and 4.24 Assets set directly in a soft object reference pin on a blueprint function are not correctly referenced. ...