AnimBP instance is leaked when using linked animation graphs with 3 or more hierarchies

UE - Anim - Runtime - Sep 5, 2022

When creating an AnimBP with 3 or more layers using linked AnimGraph nodes and going through a state where animation is initialized such as replacing SekeltalMesh, the AnimBP on the 3rd layer is not ...

AnimDrawDebug does not work if using RootMotion from Everything

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Feb 14, 2023

Debug drawing with AnimDarwDebug~ does not work when RootMotionMode is set to "RootMotion from Everything". In addition, the same issue occurs when MultiThread of Animation is turned off. Licensee ...

XR Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement

UE - Platform - XR - Mar 24, 2023

Planar Reflections lag behind VR headset movement [Link Removed] Reporting that reflection captures lag because they happen before late update is applied. Includes an experimental patch that fi ...

Auto Exposure Compensation Curve issue when switching from Manual to Histogram

UE - Rendering Architecture - Feb 21, 2024

When switching the Camera's Exposure Metering Mode from Manual toHistogram, the exposure level resets and takes time to settle. The Licensee has a proposed code change that would fix this issue. Als ...

4.7 Regression: Character::OnJumped_Implementation() not virtual and will skip user implementation or fail to compile

UE - Gameplay - Feb 25, 2015

Character::OnJumped_Implementation() should be virtual or users' custom implementations will not be called. If they declare it with "override" their code will fail to compile. Already fixed in Main ...

Media Player Asset not Playing in Packaged Game

Media Framework - Jun 22, 2016

Media asset fails to play in packaged game. There was a bug entered [Link Removed] which is similar, but dealt with standalone play mode as well. The standalone issue seems to have been fixed since ...

Multiple viewports open cause wrong viewport to render in VREditor (HTC Vive)

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 28, 2016

Having multiple viewports open causes the wrong viewport to be rendered inside the headset. Positional/Rotational tracking is still updating correctly in the preview window. Closing the wrong view ...

Intermittent crash in CacheOptimizeIndexBuffer on Editor startup on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Nov 16, 2015

Building 4.10 from the GitHub release branch on Linux fails to open after install and instead crashes User Suggested Fix: Switching triangle order optimization off with r.TriangleOrderOptimization= ...

Leading space in front of block comment above UCLASS Macro prevents compile

UE - Foundation - Core - Dec 4, 2015

If a block comment is used above the UCLASS Macro, leading spaces before the start of the comment causes UHT to fail and the solution to fail compile with a "Missing 'UCLASS' in Class declaration" e ...

Crash when loading TM-MotionControllers in a packaged build

Docs - Samples - Oct 26, 2016

Packaged QA Game crashes when opening "TM-MotionController" This issue did not occur in 4.13 This is also affecting KiteDemo. Cinematic will crash when Editor Content is not included in the packag ...