Launcher and Editor context / dropdown menus do not display correctly on upcoming Windows 10 build

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Oct 3, 2016

A few users using the Windows 10 Insider Preview have found that after a certain point in the Prerelease builds, starting at 14915 it seems, the Unreal Editor and Epic Games Launcher context menus h ...

Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for the first enum then 4 then 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 1, 2015

Enum to Byte conversion returns 2 for the first enum then 4 then 6 and so on rather than 0, 1, 2, etc. This is a regression; does NOT occur in 4.8.3. Reproduced in 4.9.0 binary and Main (2675088) ...

Cast enum to byte could occasionally break cook/resave in level BP

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Aug 27, 2020

 Workaround:The blueprint macro had a cast from the enum to an int and that was causing the issue, getting rid of the cast and just returning the enum and then changing all the places that were usin ...

Inherited AnimBP properties not always working across editor restarts

OLD - Anim - Jan 21, 2016

In 4.11 when making changes to node properties in an animation blueprint they will not always appear to update in child blueprint instances when restarting the editor. In the attached project the l ...

Duplicating / Moving (to another level) an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component causes a crash

UE - Graphics Features - Nov 14, 2016

When you have an actor with a Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh component that has a Static Mesh set and is populated with at least 1 instance and then duplicate it or move it to another level, it ...

Uniform scaling in the viewport not working as expected when additive mode is enabled

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 2, 2022

The uniform scaling does not work as expected Repro Steps: 1) Add a cube to a level 2) Set the scale (X = 16, Y=9, Z=9) 3) Click the Lock icon to activate the Uniform Scale feature 4) In the viewpor ...

Volumetric Translucent Shadows will only work if you select the mesh, doesn't show up in game

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 18, 2015

When using Volumetric Translucent Shadows for static meshes the shadows will only work if the mesh is selected. When the mesh is deselected it will not render. This worked in 4.8.3, but is broken ...

Building for Gear VR Distribution fails due to missing Oculus lib

UE - Platform - XR - Jun 7, 2017

Users have reported that building for Distribution on Gear VR results in failure due to a missing Oculus library. The error they receive is as follows: UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ETC2)): [javac ...

Behavior Trees cannot be saved if the Blackboard assigned to it was opened before opening the Behavior Tree from the Content Browser

UE - AI - Nov 2, 2015

Behavior Trees cannot be saved if the Blackboard assigned to it was opened before opening the Behavior Tree from the Content Browser. Reproduced in 4.8.3 binary, 4.9.2 binary, 4.10 Preview 3 binary ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_BlueprintGraph!BlueprintActionFilterImpl::IsEventUnimplementable() [blueprintactionfilter.cpp:588]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 1, 2016

This crash has been reported through the 4.12 Previews and is continuing to occur in the 4.12.0 release. Additional information about this crash is not available at this time, however it may be the ...