Fixing a Blueprint's compilation error after editor reload causes instances to lose transform

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 23, 2023

Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...

Make Custom Event names start with "Event"/Fix "Event Event" issue with overridden Events

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 17, 2015

If you name an Event something like "Event Foo", overriding the event in a ChildBP gives you "Event Event Foo" To avoid this, please make Custom Event names Start with "Event" ...

Unable to Edit Curve Names between 2 Different Animsets (if name of curve is the same)

OLD - Anim - Aug 13, 2015

If you create 3 curves in AnimSequence A and name them 1, 2 and 3 respectively, then create 3 curves in AnimSequence B and name them 4,5 and 6 respectively... In AnimSequence B you will not be able ...

Android Galaxy S 3 (Mali) or Galaxy Note 2 (Mali) Mobile Devices Not Rendering BSP

UE - Platform - Mobile - Nov 13, 2014

When the user launches a packaged game for the Android S3 Mobile Devices, any BSP's that were in the level are not visible. Collision still exists, but they are not visible when playing. ...

World Delta seconds appears to Cause a miss calculation (regression 4.12.3 -> 4.12.4)

UE - Gameplay - Jul 1, 2016

If the user uses world delta seconds in a calculation there appears to be some incorrect values. Note there is also a users project attached if you would like to look at that example. ...

[Metal-Epic:Tools] Compiling Metal 2.0 shaders on XCode 9.3 beta with desktop forward selected fails on iOS

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 30, 2018

Shaders fail to compile with a series of cube map errors (subset below): LogShaderCompilers: Warning: 17 Shader compiler errors compiling global shaders for platform SF_METAL_MRT:   LogShaderComp ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_Engine!TOctree<TVolumeLightingSample<3>,FLightVolumeOctreeSemantics>::TConstElementBoxIterator<TInlineAllocator<99,FDefaultAllocator> >::ProcessChildren() [genericoctree.h:613]

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 31, 2016

This is one of the top crashes in the 4.14 Preview being submitted by the community. No additional information regarding this crash is currently available. ...

iOS/tvOS fails to build from source editor built with Xcode 9.3, macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 2, 2018

Trying to launch on or package for TVOS or iOS from a source build of Mac or Windows will fail with errors:[2018.04.02-16.35.08:522][634]LogPlayLevel: In file included from /Volumes/Storage/GitHub ...