Particle Cutout Crashes On Certain Devices (Samsung Galaxy Note 2)

UE - Platform - Mobile - Aug 12, 2016

As soon as a particle system using the Particle Cutout feature appears a crash occurs. I used the Samsung Galaxy Note 2. Its asset number is 2894. I've attached the logs from the test on engine vers ...

Line traces only show up in the right eye of the Vive in the VR template

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 12, 2016

Line traces only show up in the right eye of the Vive in the VR template. Note: This also appears to be happening with the draw debug line ...

Shipping Build Crashes While Using Oculus Online Subsystem Plugin

UE - Networking - Aug 12, 2016

Packaging a game for shipping that contains the Online Subsystem Oculus plugin will cause a crash. This does not occur if the game is packaged for development. ...

[VR] Camera attached to non-root scene component in BP will sink into floor after Reset to Floor Origin

UE - Platform - XR - Aug 12, 2016

When a project is first created following the Setting up UE4 to work with SteamVR docs, the Vive camera works correctly and will display at the correct height. However, if at any point during develo ...

Creating a new Physics Asset will override the behavior of the previous Physics Asset inside the Phat Editor

UE - Gameplay - Aug 11, 2016

Creating a new Physics Asset will override the behavior of the previous Physics Asset inside the Phat Editor. This seems to be linked to which physics asset is currently assigned to the skeletal me ...

Resample Landscape requires Level Restart to continue Painting

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Aug 10, 2016

When resampling a landscape you are unable to continue painting after applying the changes. ...

Shadow Physics Assets drop-down is visible in the Destructible Mesh Editor

UE - Simulation - Physics - Destruction - Aug 10, 2016

The option to assign a Shadow Physics Asset is located in the Destructibles Details panel even though they are only supported for Skeletal Meshes currently. This assigned shadow physics asset cannot ...

User cannot undo adding/removing a constraint from a constraint profile

UE - Simulation - Physics - Aug 10, 2016

User can not undo the adding of a constraint to a constraint profile. You can undo to the point the creation of the profile ...

Particle System with Set Tickable when Paused causes packaged game to crash when paused

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 10, 2016

When a particle system has the "Set Tickable when Paused" set to true, pausing the packaged version of the game causes the game to crash. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...

UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAttached keeps relative location when SnapToTarget is used.

UE - Gameplay - Aug 10, 2016

UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAttached will keep relative position when using SnapToTarget. ...