Unable to go fullscreen in Standalone Game

Tools - Jan 5, 2017

Unable to make the Standalone Game window fullscreen with a console command or with Alt+Enter. This is a regression as this was not an issue in 4.14.2. ...

Issues with PrepareMapChange/CommitMapChange and Level Collections

UE - Networking - Jan 12, 2017

Per https://udn.unrealengine.com/questions/329206/crashes-when-streaming-levels-in-414.html LevelCollections has introduced some issues with using Prepare/CommitMapChange. CL# 3255445 has addressed ...

Render Movie using separate process crashes capture process

OLD - Anim - Jan 14, 2017

This is a regression exposed at CL 3242934 - QAGame: Adding test content to QA-Sequencer for Override Bindings. Crash does not occur in 4.16. I'm not certain how the content changes are triggering ...

Ensure encountered when using the Copy/Paste sub-tool in sculpt mode

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Jan 11, 2017

The following ensure was encountered in the output log:UE4Editor_Engine!FPrimitiveSceneProxy::VerifyUsedMaterial() primitivesceneproxy.cpp:598 UE4Editor_Engine!FMeshElementCollector::AddMesh() sce ...

Editor Crash when attempting to enter Mesh Paint / Landscape /Foliage Modes while Simulating

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 12, 2017

Editor crash will occur when a user attempts to enter the Mesh Paint, Landscape, or Foliage modes while Simulating. Links to CrashReporter: Foliage: [Link Removed] Landscape: [Link Removed] Mesh Pa ...

VREditor: Laser not hidden on MotionControllers with docked Menu/UI Panels

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Dec 28, 2016

The laser for the motion controllers is currently not being hidden when a Menu/UI panel is docked to the controller. This is a Regression from 4.14 and prior, as shown by the attached screenshots. ...

Window Switcher does not open and focus on Message Log

Tools - Jan 6, 2017

The window switcher is not focusing on the message log if it is selected through the window switcher UI. Repro rate is 9/10 - Sometimes, it would switch to the message logs (Update - Laz) This i ...

FSupportedAreaData Not Being Exported

UE - AI - Jan 17, 2017

FSupportedAreaData is causing an unresolved linker error when it is used. ...

Selecting the Clean or Rebuild options for a project in Visual Studio does not complete successfully

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Jan 17, 2017

Using the Clean option on a 4.15 project in Visual Studio currently fails with Visual Studio stating that it cannot find the ReadyToClean batch label. Selecting the Rebuild option shows the same mes ...

Map load errors after adding C++ Vehicle or VehicleAdvanced pack to a project

UE - Gameplay - Jan 14, 2017

Load errors:Warning CreateExport: Failed to load Outer for resource 'MovementComp': TP_VehiclePawn /Game/VehicleCPP/Maps/VehicleExampleMap.VehicleExampleMap:PersistentLevel.TP_VehiclePawn_9 Warning ...