Undoing alteration of a local variable's default value does not actually undo the alteration

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jun 7, 2016

Undoing the alteration of a local variable's default value causes the Undo toast to appear but the alteration is not actually undone. Regression: No ...

Texture flickering on Linux as set texture scale grows

UE - Platform - Linux - May 24, 2016

Setting a texture to a relatively large scale causes the texture to begin flickering as the viewport camera rotates. The larger the scale is set to, the more evident the effect. ...

Overlap events fire multiple times on clients when Using PIE

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 16, 2016

The overlap events fire multiple times with only one trigger of the opposite call. (example: Begin over lap will fire multiple times when the end overlap was only called once) ...

BlockingVolume is not working in Infinity Blade: Ice Lands once packed

Docs - Samples - May 11, 2016

BlockingVolume is not working once packaged while using the Frozen Core map from Infinity Blade: Ice Lands. BlockingVolume is working if you manually add it to Infinity Blade: Ice Lands. This has be ...

DrawDebugSphere & DrawDebugAltCone deref nullptr if used in constructors

UE - Graphics Features - May 2, 2016

\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\DrawDebugHelpers.cpp DrawDebugSphere and DrawDebugAltCone both try to dereference variable 'LineBatcher' without checking for null, as the other DrawDebug func ...

Crossfade sharing doesn't allow more than one shared transition

OLD - Anim - Apr 29, 2016

Looking at the propagate function:void UAnimStateTransitionNode::PropagateCrossfadeSettings() { UEdGraph* CurrentGraph = GetGraph(); for (int32 idx = 0; idx < CurrentGraph->Nodes.Num(); idx++) ...

When setting cursor to show, cursor isn't rendered in the viewport until the mouse is moved

Tools - Apr 21, 2016

When changing the cursor to show after being hidden, the cursor will not reappear until the mouse is moved. ...

TRACKS: Icons occluded when track/actor name is longer than the panel

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Feb 11, 2016

Icons are being occluded when you shrink the actor panel in Sequencer. The expected behavior from the rest of the editor is to prioritize the functional UI elements [Image Removed] ...

Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero, and subsequent rotation is not allowed after the setting is disabled

UE - Gameplay - Player Movement - Jan 2, 2016

Enabling Use Pawn Control Rotation on a SpringArm component does not set the rotation values to zero. Subsequently disabling Pawn Use Control Rotation make rotation of the component impossible until ...

Actor created with same name as existing/destroyed actor is missing native subobjects

UE - Foundation - Core - Nov 12, 2015

When spawning a pawn that has a PawnMovementComponent attached and destroying the pawn, if a pawn with the same name is re-created it will be missing the PawnMovementComponent. ...