Cannot load youtube URLs on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 29, 2018

UMG Webrowser widget does not display embedded youtube videos. ...

Mobile Temporal AA is broken

UE - Platform - Mobile - May 17, 2018

Expectaton: Temporal AA should work on Mobile ...

Xbox 360 Controller DPad input does not register properly on Android

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

Using a Xbox 360 controller on an Android device works except that the DPad input is not registered. This same issue does not occur with Xbox One controllers. Regression?: No This occurs in 4.18 ...

Blueprint iOS apps are named UE4Game.ipa

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

In 4.19 blueprint-based apps are named after the project name, but in 4.20 they are all called UE4Game.ipa This doesn't reproduce when packaging for Win64 or the apk for Android. The installer bat ...

Blueprint Android app installers are named *UE4Game*.bat

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jun 4, 2018

In 4.19 blueprint-based apps are named after the project name, but in 4.20 they are all called Install_UE4Game-armv7-es2.bat. This also affects the Uninstall_*.bat ...

Cannot successfully create a local binary build of the Engine that includes iOS

UE - Foundation - Build - Rocket (Installed Engine) - Jun 6, 2018

Attempting to create a local binary build of the Engine that includes iOS currently fails. The error message that appears ("ERROR: System.Collections.Generic.KeyNotFoundException: The given key was ...

NavMesh Broken Between Two Adjacent Actors With Hierarchical Instance Static Mesh Component

UE - AI - May 22, 2017

When Two adjacent actors with hierarchical instance static mesh component cross the tile bound of navmesh, navmesh is broken. In screenshot.png, above is the normal Static Meshs, bellow is the Actor ...

Duplicating Level With Large _BuiltData File Results in Editor Crash

UE - Foundation - Core - Jun 7, 2018

Trying to duplicate a level in the editor that has a large _BuiltData file results in a crash. In the case of the supplied test level, it is over 3 GB. Crash repros in 4.19.2 and Main (CL 4115885). ...

Spawned particles on the surface of a static mesh in Niagara get offset if the actor is anywhere but the world origin

UE - Niagara - Jun 11, 2018

Particles that are spawned using the surface of a static mesh will be offset from the systems placement in the world unless it is at world origin.  Working as expected in 4.19 CL# 4033788 Found in ...

Directional Light settings remain from previous level when creating new level when using forward rendering

UE - Graphics Features - Jun 8, 2018

Using Forward rendering, directional light settings persist across levels and after deletion. Video attached, shows problem in Dev-VR but same issue occurs in Release-4.20 ...