Artifacts from the previous Launch On are being cleaned up, which are necessary for improved iteration time. ...
The textScale parameter in AddOnScreenDebugMessage does not change the scale of the debug message. ...
While investigating [Link Removed], I have found that GLSLBackend always automatically generates render target location indices, regardless of user-specified ones via SV_TargetX HLSL semantics. Rel ...
When using a high DPI monitor the Editor ruler will display an incorrect value in relation to the grid scale. ...
Hovering the cursor over the "Reset" part of an "Activate" node shows the wrong tooltip. UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/ActorComponent.h ...
Report with proposed fix ...
Reimporting an asset after making changes causes loss of saved LOD changes when editing a static mesh. Similar issue was logged and fixed for SkeletalMeshes but this issue is still occurring for ...
When packaged from Windows for iOS, this issue does not occur. ...
This does not occur when attempting to repro using a template code project; testing on the same device. This crash occurred on an iPhone 6, v11.4 (A8) It did not occur on an iPhone X, v11.4 (A11 B ...
iOS icons have stopped working for Windows BP projects again; this does not occur on Mac. It also does not occur when using a source build from p4 (only on a binary build from the launcher). Note t ...