GetKnownPerceivedActors doesn't stop calling when specified AISense should be forgotten

UE - AI - Mar 17, 2019

There is a difference in implementation and set of checks that are made in GetKnownPerceivedActors() depending on if you use specific SenseClass or leave it as nullptr (so it will return info for al ...

Client loses input after doubling the amount of physics objects in the level

UE - Networking - Mar 11, 2019

After doubling the number of physics objects in the level the client loses input/ignores input ...

Disappearing components in Level Sequencer Spawnable Camera

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Mar 11, 2019

I believe this is similar problem to this UDN reported bug. It can be avoided by removing the comments in LevelSeuqnceActorSpawner.cpp UEng ...

Rounding errors are present in FJsonValue::TryGetNumber(int64&) and FMath::RoundHalfFromZero()

UE - Foundation - Core - Mar 8, 2019

A licensee reported a bug in rounding of a call to FJsonValue::TryGetNumber(int64&) with large values.  In investigating this, it appears that equivalent problems also exist in FMath:: rounding func ...

PoseAsset::GetAnimationPose Normalizing all bone rotations per track

OLD - Anim - Mar 6, 2019

In UPoseAsset::GetAnimationPose after the curves are blended the all out pose's rotations are normalized for each track instead of just the specific bone for that track (See linked UDN for more deta ...

Widget text fields to not remain highlighted after making changes

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Mar 6, 2019

When making changes to the properties of widgets in the details panel, the text fields to not remain highlighted. This functionality appears present in other areas of the engine. Such as when dealin ...

Changing collision response in runtime prevents physics actor from sleeping after interaction with channel-relevant object

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2019

Changing collision response in runtime prevents physics actor from sleeping after interaction with channel-relevant object ...

Constraint to kinematic root body prevents skeletal mesh from sleeping

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 5, 2019

Linked test project contains already set up actor as described in steps to reproduce. Using a kinematic body on a root bone, setting all other bodies sleep family to Custom, and their custom sleep t ...

Incorrect Skysphere Material Reflection with Ray Tracing

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Mar 5, 2019

The reflected Sky material looks blurry and low res when set to unlit, however setting the material to Default Lit has the correct reflection. Even though the reflection is correct the lighting brea ...

AccumulateCurveMetaData unnecessarily marks the package dirty

OLD - Anim - Mar 5, 2019

AccumulateCurveMetaData makes calls to MarkPackageDirty even when the data hasn't changed. ...