Tooltips incorrect when changing FExpressionInput of UMaterialExpressionTextureSample

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - May 16, 2019

It seems that the display of ToolTip is displayed in the order of declared UPROPERTY () of the code.[Image Removed] ...

Geometry Cache crashing when loading async in a cooked build

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Import and Export - May 15, 2019

Geometry cahces check if they are in the game thread, which causes a crash when their packages are async loaded in a cooked build. ...

Animation Blueprint with Shared Transition "marked" dirty

OLD - Anim - May 14, 2019

Animation Blueprints which contain a shared transition used to transition between two animation states will be marked as "dirty" every time the blueprint is compiled and re-opened. ...

Datasmith CAD importer regression for Inventor files

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - May 14, 2019

Fails with 4.22 but works fine with 4.21 ...

Flickering / Color Shift in Right eye with Cascade Particle + Instanced Stereo

UE - Niagara - May 13, 2019

Flickering or shifted color will be seen in the Right Eye. User reports that moving the nodes from the material function to the base graph resolves the issue. Confirmed in 4.23 MAIN branch @ CL 6 ...

Re-opening a Level with Datasmith Animation loses hierarchy

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Datasmith - Importer - May 7, 2019

It appears to be an issue with persistence and the sequencer. If the level is saved and reloaded without opening the sequencer all hierarchy is fineif you open the sequencer, then save the level, ...

When editing a color curve at the emitter level color is not updated correctly at system level

UE - Niagara - May 6, 2019

Editing color curves at the emitter level will not propagate to the system level when saving and applying. The curve will look correct int the system stack, but the particle colors will not match. ...

Soft Object Pointers may not fire Rep Notifies

UE - Networking - May 3, 2019

User reported that Soft Object Pointers may not fire RepNotifies properly. This is likely also the case with Weak Object Pointers (and other similar wrappers). The main problem is that these all ge ...

Massive FPS drops in editor when moving mouse over menu items on Linux

UE - Platform - Linux - Apr 22, 2019

Navigating various dropdown menus in the Editor causes the FPS to drop down to around 25 or 10 in the Viewport on an empty project. This does not reproduce on Windows with -vulkan This issues was ...

Changing the Curve Asset in a Material Instance That Uses a Material Layer Crashes the Editor

UE - Graphics Features - Apr 22, 2019

Changing the Curve Asset in a Material Instance That Uses a Material Layer Crashes the Editor. Found in 4.20 CL# 4369336, 4.21 CL# 4753647, 4.22 CL# 5660361, 4.23 CL# 5974510 ...