Multicast RPC from PlayerController with RepGraph results in an invalid swap message

UE - Networking - Mar 4, 2021

Since a player controller only exists on the server and on the owning client, calling a multicast from one isn't really a supported operation. However, this case is still handled cleanly when RepGra ...

Fountain emitters are constantly showing errors in the timeline and are not displaying correctly

UE - Niagara - Mar 4, 2021

This issue is not present in 4.25.4 You can also avoid the problem if the LoopBehavior of the EmitterState is Multiple and LoopDelay is enabled. [Image Removed] It seems to be a binding of certai ...

virtual texture lightmap crash due to pixel format r8Unorm_srgb in MacEditor

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Mar 4, 2021

Currently r8Unorm_srgb is required by virtual texture lightmap, and the Metal RHI simply forbids r8Unorm_srgb on Mac platform. Since the latest MacOS 11.0+ have the support of r8Unorm_srgb, we shoul ...

Crash when opening a sequencer that has an actor with spring controller registered and play in editor

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 4, 2021

During end play in editor, there is an access violation referencing WorldSettings from SpringBone.  In the attached project, the character registered in the sequencer uses the "SpringController" no ...

SphereCast_GlobalDistanceField does not compile

UE - Niagara - Mar 3, 2021

The sphere cast module has some custom HLSL that calls QueryMeshDistanceFieldGPU, the signature for the function changed, but the HLSL wasn't updated to match so it fails to compile.  ...

Loading instanced static mesh causes memory leak in packaged game

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Foliage - Mar 3, 2021

The leaking variable is UInstancedStaticMeshComponent::InstanceDataBuffers. The memory block is passed to InitPerInstanceRenderData() via InstanceDataBuffers.Release(). But the function doesn't mana ...

[CrashReporter] UE4Editor-Renderer!static void RenderViewFamily_RenderThread(class FRHICommandListImmediate & const, class FSceneRenderer *) [SceneRendering.cpp:3619]

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 1, 2021

User comment: "...can't launch anything as standalone, only simulate..." Generated from CrashReporter ...

Mac editor mobile preview crash with MSAA on

UE - Platform - Mobile - Mar 1, 2021

setting  GSupportsTimestampRenderQueries=false or r.GPUStatsEnabled=0 can fix it ...

Crash when spawning multiple HISM at runtime in a packaged shipping build

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Feb 25, 2021

When adding multiple Hierarchical Instanced Static Meshes on a loop and packaging the project in Shipping configuration the application crashes due to LowLevelFatalError [Link Removed] [Line: 1431] ...

Dynamic Spatial Frequency not working with dependent actors

UE - Networking - Feb 25, 2021

In UReplicationGraphNode_DynamicSpatialFrequency::CalcFrequencyForActor, the ActorChannelCloseFrameNum is updated for the actor but not its dependents when calculating FramesTillReplicate. As a resu ...