Crash processing is taking 3 minutes to complete

UE - Foundation - Core - May 26, 2015

Jaroslaw S requested a Jira be put in for this issue, their logs are attached to the AnswerHub post: "Based on the logs, it looks like he is getting the callstack now. I noticed that one part of th ...

Hidden enumerator variables can cause the enumerator to become broken with the Select node in blueprints

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 26, 2015

If a user makes an enumerator in C++ and sets one of the variables to Hidden and doesn't make it the last variable of the enum, it will cause issues with the numbering of the enum when using the Sel ...

Foliage Loses Dynamic Shadows from Moveable Point LIght at given Light to Mesh Height

UE - Graphics Features - May 26, 2015

A Movable Point Light placed in the center of a field of foliage meshes will render shadows only at certain heights and going above those heights will cause the shadows to completely disappear. [Im ...

Mass is not calculated if an object's Collision Enabled field is set to No Physics Collision even when Simulating Physics

UE - Foundation - Core - May 22, 2015

If an actor has 'Simulate physics' enabled and the Collision Enabled field is set to anything other than Collision Enabled (i.e. OverlapAll sets this to No Physics Collision) then mass is reset to 1 ...

Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

Local variables do not appear in the context menu inside collapsed graphs. They can still be dragged into the graph. Reproduced in 4.8 Preview 3 and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2560501) ...

Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldContext pin

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

Calling functions that have an implicit WorldContextObject parameter (line trace, execute console command, etc) in a Blueprint function library will give a compile error about a missing __WorldConte ...

World Displacement is behaving incorrectly on Landscapes

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - May 21, 2015

When applying a Landscape Layer Coordinate to a Base Texture and a Displacement Map Texture, the two textures do not line up correctly on a tessellated landscape. When reproducing this I noticed in ...

Reset Emitter button in blueprint emitter component has no effect

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

After setting a particle system component inside blueprint, clicking the "Reset Emitter" button in the details panel does not have any effect on the particle system. ...

UDN: ChildBP - When replacing Static or SkelMesh Compoent inherited from the Parent Class, Socket list doesn't update

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - May 21, 2015

This is simple, but maybe hard to explain, so hear with me. I've attached a sample project and Repro Steps below in case it's not clear. Basically: 1. Make BP_Parent with an unassigned Mesh (Stati ...

Starter Content folders return to content browser after being manually deleted

Tools - May 20, 2015

If Starter Content is added to a newly created project and then the Starter Content is deleted, upon re-opening the editor the Starter Content files will return to the Content Browser. Workaround: ...