Fixup Redirectors doesn't work in the editor

Tools - Apr 28, 2015

Fixup Redirectors doesn't work in the editor when showing redirectors using the filter and then choosing Fixup. The maps that reference the redirectors aren't being checked out and fixed. I'm just g ...

Trace complex for assets simulating physics does not show accurate collision

UE - Gameplay - Apr 27, 2015

When using Trace Complex in a LineTraceByChannel node does not give accurate results when object is simulating physics and scaled. The scaled root mesh in the BP will only register its collision rat ...

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs

UE - Networking - Apr 27, 2015

Changes in Scale are not replicated on the Client through RPCs. Location and Rotation are replicated as expected. Reproduced in 4.7.6 binary and Main (//depot/UE4/Promotable-CL-2522625) ...

Clicking "X" close button when prompted to convert a project will still convert the project

Tools - Apr 27, 2015

The prompt window that appears when a project is converted from one engine version to another will "approve" the conversion even if the red "X" is pressed to close the prompt window. ...

Montage linkable elements lose segment links when changing dependant anim sequences without loading the montage.

OLD - Anim - Apr 27, 2015

If an animation has its length changed, either by changing its play rate or reimporting with a different length - elements in any unloaded montages will end up misplaced. Workaround: Load the monta ...

Issue with Finish Transaction after an app has crashed.

UE - Platform - Mobile - Apr 24, 2015

Opening Gameplay Debugger while in PIE removes print string output from screen in subsequent PIE modes

UE - AI - Apr 23, 2015

If a user opens gameplay debugger ( ' pressed while in PIE), all print string outputs to screen disappear, and will no longer appear during any PIE session until editor is closed and re-opened. Wo ...

Scale with Width on Landscape Splines offsets plane mesh on Z axis

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 22, 2015

If "Scale with Width" is set on a landscape spline with a plane mesh, the plane will offset on the Z axis. In most other cases, scaling along the z axis does not affect planes. ...

"Select New Skeleton" window appears behind editor and gives error

OLD - Anim - Apr 21, 2015

When you select an asset that references a skeleton that has moved, the editor asks you to choose a new skeleton. When you choose Yes is it gives the message "The Anim Blueprint could not be loaded ...

Crash with for loop and TArray in constructor to generate multiple StaticMeshComponents

UE - Foundation - Core - Apr 20, 2015

Using a TArray to store multiple components being setup inside a for loop of a constructor will crash on project open. Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...