Dynamic Inset Shadows are not casting shadows on Skeletal Meshes

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 23, 2022

Dynamic Inset Shadows are not casting shadows on Skeletal Meshes where previously they did. ...

Crashes when server travel during voice chat talk

UE - Online - Mar 23, 2022

The VoipListenerSynthComponent created by the voice chat will try to be released by the GC after the server travel because it has previous levels and references, but the referenced level does not al ...

Compressed anim sequence data isn't updated immediately when a mesh is reimported

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 21, 2022

It seems that when reimporting a mesh that has added bones we aren't updating the compressed data within the anim sequences to account for the change in indicies of the virtual bones. If a user cal ...

Compressed anim sequence data isn't updated immediately when virtual bones are added

UE - Anim - Runtime - Mar 21, 2022

It seems that the compressed animation data within an anim sequence is not updated immediately when a virtual bone is added to a skeleton. If the user attempts to call UAnimSequence::GetBoneTransf ...

Memory leak when using Blueprint Debugger while inspecting a return value

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 11, 2022

Potential memory leak when using Blueprint Debugger to inspect a return value multiple times while playing. User also reported this would cause a crash, but I didn't try to max out ram usage to trig ...

References to recompiled Blueprint CDOs that exist outside of the immediate class hierarchy are not being replaced during compilation.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Feb 24, 2022

Currently, the Blueprint compiler will only update references to a reinstanced CDO/archetype object if it falls within the immediate hierarchy of the Blueprint class type OR if it's a component temp ...

FFieldPath resolution doesn't handle redirection

UE - Foundation - Core - Feb 16, 2022

A licensee has found that redirectors don't apply to FFieldPath. We should integrate it with the following changes:It needs better error handling (looks like it could infinitely recurse),The change ...

Changelists window refreshes excessively

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 21, 2022

When View Changelists window is opened, users are reporting slowdowns from actions such as moving actors (external actors). ...

Reflection result of clear coat bottom normal is not correct.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Dec 9, 2021

This problem tends to appear in the southern hemisphere of spherical objects. It is not reproduced in 4.19. ...

Crash when changing the Codec in a curve compression setting

UE - Anim - Runtime - Nov 15, 2021

The crash will occur when changing the Codec in a curve compression setting. This is a regression do it not happening in 4.26.2.. ...