Crash when using AnimBudgetAllocator

UE - Anim - Runtime - Oct 21, 2021

In the AnimNode_Slot code, It seems that update() and evaluate() should be called by following order because in TickAnimation step, we need to make MontageEvaluateData valid.SkeletalMeshComponent::U ...

REINST classes are available in the class reference drop down

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Sep 28, 2021

This doesn't seem to occur every time I run the editor, I can't get it to repro consistently Note: It is possible that this is happening in blueprints based off of a native c++ class has been rel ...

Crash assigning static mesh to LightWeightInstanceStaticMeshManager

UE - Gameplay - May 21, 2021

Crash occurs when the user assigns a static to the Instanced Static Mesh Component in a LightWeightInstanceStaticMeshManager. I couldn't reproduce this with an actor blueprint with an ISMC or HISMC ...

Retainer box widget causes progress bars to render incorrectly

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Apr 14, 2021

Retainer boxes are currently causing progress bars to render incorrectly. This looks to be related to [Link Removed] which is fallout from the changes to retainer widget transform calculation introd ...

Vcam - Objects Jittering with Vcam's Follow Cam modifier

UE - Virtual Production - Tools - Virtual Camera - Apr 8, 2021

[Feature Request] Add a "Move Function Declaration to Parent" option for blueprint added functions

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 21, 2021

Users requested the ability to move only the function declaration to a base class from blueprints instead all of the nodes inside the function.  From the user:  "Essentially, 95% of the time wha ...

Precompile occurs in Niagara when Standalone is started, increasing load time.

UE - Niagara - Mar 11, 2021

In 4.26.1, if you remove the collision module from NiagaraSystem, the Precompile will not occur. ...

Blueprint processing is heavy in PIE since 4.26

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 17, 2021

As the attached image shows, there is no problem in 4.25.4, and the process is noticeably slower in 4.26.1. Also, there is no problem in Standalone. The problem occurs only in PIE. ...

Add and Renaming collapsed graphs in functions breaks refs to local vars

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Nov 6, 2020

When creating a class (of any kind i.e. an actor), when a collapsed graph is compiled the ref breaks when adding or renaming the graph. ...

Pop-ups are hidden after clicking in the Editor

UE - Platform - Linux - Oct 20, 2020

All Pop-ups windows in the right bottom hiding after clicking at any place in the Editor. They can be displayed back by the clicking on the header of Editor ...