Get wrong primitive scene data on mobile preview with GPUScene enabled

UE - Rendering Architecture - Shaders - Apr 27, 2022

Artifact when rendering high-resolution images with Lumen and Movie Render Queue

UE - Graphics Features - Lumen - Apr 26, 2022

Artifacts when using Lumen at 8K equivalent resolution and rendering with MRQ. 8K equivalent, because the same issue occurs when the resolution is set to 4K and the Screen Percentage is set to 200. ...

Base Pose Type Not Retained When Retargeting Animation with Additive Anim Type

UE - Anim - Rigging - Retargeting - Apr 22, 2022

Occurs 3/3 Times Base pose animation is not retained when retargeting animation with an additive anim type. ...

Parameter distributions can be reset to None in Cascade Particle Systems, causing Cascade to Niagara conversion to crash the editor.

UE - Niagara - Apr 18, 2022

Cascade to Niagara conversion causes the editor to crash due to any distribution parameter in the Particle Emitter being reset to none. Repro Rate: 4/4 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL# 1831 ...

Content Browser is not opened when clicking Browse to Asset from a docked to sidebar Details or WorldSettings window

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Apr 15, 2022

Repro Ratio: 6/6 Regression testing in //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL-16682836 since this feature wasn't in UE4. This issue did NOT happen. This issue only seems to happen when the windows are ...

Custom Primitive Data crash when used from Static Mesh Comp attached to BP Actor

UE - Graphics Features - Mar 22, 2022

When trying to edit custom primitive data on static meshes attached to a BP actor, an out of bounds access will occur. This does not occur when the static mesh is simply on a regular Actor (Same rep ...

Event dispatchers show replication settings but don't support replication

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Mar 18, 2022

We should ideally hide the setting, but at the very least we can make it a warning if you check it indicating it's not gonna do anything. [Link Removed] ...

Gameplay Effect Modifiers with Target Tags are Applied Incorrectly

UE - Gameplay - Gameplay Ability System - Mar 9, 2022

If you have a Gameplay Effect that uses an Attribute Modifiers, and this modifier has Target Tags specified, the modifier is applied unexpectedly:Adding a Required tag on the Target, the modifier do ...

Branching point notifies can lose their linked montage

UE - Anim - Runtime - Feb 10, 2022

Currently UAnimSequenceBase::OnModelModified assumes that a notify is linked to a sequence and not a montage. This causes branching point notifies to lose their linked montage when being updated an ...