"Exclude From HLOD Levels" has no effect in a World Partition level set up with HLODs

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Oct 18, 2023

Material Layers "swap" location instead of shift downwards.

UE - Rendering Architecture - Materials - Oct 17, 2023

Licensee request for this as it is affecting productivity. Likely requires a method of allowing a user to choose which behaviour they prefer. For reference, the behaviour changed in CL 11684461 to f ...

[AI] Unable to bind StateTree task input to the properties of an output object.

UE - AI - StateTree - Oct 13, 2023

StateTree no longer binds to the properties of an output variable from a task or an evaluator. Selecting one of the child properties of the output variable results in an error string being displayed ...

Default Wireframe View within the Niagara Preview Window is Difficult to Visualize

UE - Niagara - Sep 15, 2023

The environment geo is getting in the way and the particle's wireframe outline is the same color as the environment. A current workaround it going to the Preview Scene Settings and turning off the e ...

Assertion failed: ExportSettings == *ExistingExportSettings [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Editor\UnrealEd\Private\Lightmass\Lightmass.cpp] [Line: 546]

UE - Graphics Features - Sep 12, 2023

Generated from CrashReporter Logs can be obtained via Crash Reporter ...

Crashes occur when creating a static texture from a non-HDR Cube Render Target in DirectX12

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Sep 11, 2023

While working with DirectX 12 in the project settings, the editor crashes by check() code when attempting to create a static texture from a non-HDR Cube Render Target asset. This crash doesn't occur ...