When a Blueprint asset is reloaded, we are currently serializing its CachedDependencies list during the discovery of potential referencers. This can lead to incorrectly treating all dependencies as ...
The source of the error appears to be a stray DefaultValue="None" that's contained within the inner "Test_Nested_TestContainer" split pin (copy/paste the node to notepad to see this). If you refresh ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 In UE4 an error is thrown when attempting to add an input. A Blueprint containing a Macro with a Wild Card input crashes when a Custom ...
When the trigger is duplicated, the contents of its OnActorBeginOverlap MC delegate are copied, which contains a reference to the BP actor that added the binding to the original trigger. Marking th ...
Undoing the deletion of an actor with a child actor component added via the details panel (IWCE) duplicates the child actor and the hierarchy is incorrect in the scene outliner. This seems to only h ...
Struct properties marked up with the EditAnywhere and BlueprintReadOnly specifiers are exposed in Widget Blueprints by MakeStruct nodes and split pins on Setter nodes. CanBeExposed in K2Node_MakeStr ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL18319896 Crash when recombining Value Pin after swapping Target Wild Card pin from a Vector2D to a Vector on a Set By-Ref Var node. ...
Collapsed blueprint nodes that are copied and pasted into a function graph of a Widget will cause a fatal error when the blueprint compiles, as seen in the callstack, and will provide the message: " ...
In UE4, "Private" for Blueprint variables was misnamed: its behavior actually meant "Protected". In other words, it can't be read or written to by external objects, but it can be by derived types. A ...