Alpha blending is done twice when using RenderOpacity of RetainerBox's parent slot

UE - Editor - UI Systems - UMG - Feb 10, 2023

Licensee reported that alpha blending is done twice in the code below, and the fix below seems to fix it. .\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Slate\SRetainerWidget.cpp From:const FLinearColor Compu ...

NiagaraEditor timeline folders are not saved correctly

UE - Niagara - Feb 8, 2023

It works correctly in 5.0.3. ...

Index of Texture Cube Array cannot be specified with VisualizeTexture on D3D11

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Feb 8, 2023

Licensees have reported that they always see Index 0 for Texture Cube Arrays. Looking at the RenderDoc, Index1 has a white texture but it's not actually visible.[Image Removed] ...

TSR ghosting when see through translucent wall

UE - Graphics Features - Feb 7, 2023

see through a translucent material will cause ghosting  This issue did not occur in 5.0, it occurs when using TSR on UE 5.1 or later. ...

Syncing issue when stopping and blending out a non-looping montage to an anim graph

UE - Anim - Gameplay - Feb 7, 2023

When syncing from a non-repeating montage that is blending out to an anim graph, the anim montage is marked as a follower due to having its PrevMaker as an AnimBoundary(-1), furthermore in this case ...

UResavePackagesCommandlet::CheckoutFile() logs warnings for skipped files

UE - Foundation - Cpp Tools - Automation Tool - Feb 1, 2023

User reported. UResavePackagesCommandlet::CheckoutFile(const FString& Filename, bool bAddFile = false, bool bIgnoreAlreadyCheckedOut = false) has a parameter to ignore files that are already ch ...

Animation Layer Interface content filter overrides other content filters

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Jan 30, 2023

Animation Layer Interfaces are overriding the filter making it so only that asset type is visible even when paired with other filters.  There is an exception to this with the blueprint interfaces fi ...

Make literal container nodes (e.g. MakeArray) do not cast object ref output terms linked to interface-typed input pins.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Jan 28, 2023

As with most nodes, object reference outputs can be directly connected to interface-typed inputs on "make container" nodes (e.g. "MakeArray") if the object's class type implements the interface clas ...

Rendering with a singe frame custom frame range in the MRQ with temporal sampling renders 2 frames instead

UE - Anim - Sequencer - MRQ - Jan 27, 2023

Temporal samples cause more than one frame to be rendered with a custom range of 1 frame ...

Niagara particles bounce instead of resting on AMD GPU in SM6

UE - Graphics Features - Jan 27, 2023

Additional Info URL [Link Removed]…]2F00O4z000006EGZXEA4%2Fview%3FqueryScope%3DuserFolders Link to repro - [Link Removed] Old UDN question that may be relevant, similar visual bug - [Link Removed] ...