The NetworkProfiler and UI tool assume that ActorNames are in the format <ClassName>_<ActorName>, and is not robust against underscores in either the class name or the actor name. However, given th ...
Information loss when merging actors such as cast shadow and collision. If one of the actors being merged has a different setting such as not casting shadows. This information will be lost and repla ... Add option to instance the subsequences from the master sequence. For example, if you want to c ...
ICU for Linux was built with U_TIMEZONE defined to 0, which means that ICU always considers itself to be in UTC, rather than use its default Linux implementation. We should try and build ICU again ...
ICU for Android was built with U_TIMEZONE defined to 0, which means that ICU always considers itself to be in UTC, rather than use its default Android implementation. We should try and build ICU ag ...
The editor is crashing when launching onto windows. This is not occurring in Main. ...
Using a struct containing an instanced object property as the value for a TMap results in a crash if a Blueprint of the class containing the TMap is subclassed and the child Blueprint is opened the ...
When running in VRPreview and entering the 'ProfileGPU' command, 'BeginOcclusionTests' is listed twice. As the licensee mentioned, if a project uses heavy occlusion this could quickly become a cost ...
Use Acceleration for Paths in the movement components appears to be preventing pawns from moving. ...
Packaging failure occurs with nativize blueprints enabled when you have an array of classes and you try to set it with an array from an instance of a native C++ class. Found in 4.15.1. Reproduced i ...