When collapsing a timeline track, if there are over 5 tracks below it, some will disappear. This is a closer look at but UE-18550 Workaround Simply scroll on the timeline tracks to repopulate the ...
A licensee encountered a crash during InjectTranslucentLightArray: according to them they fixed the issue in ShadowProjectionCommon.usf: /** Cube map texture. */ TextureCube<float> ShadowDepthCub ...
Visibility track in 4.15 launcher version is not visible. Converted projects from previous version which already had this track, but cannot create new one. If I add Interp keyword in the UPROPERTY, ...
Removing a key from a Enum Map variable causes duplicate keys to remain. It doesn't seem to happen if the removed key is the first and last key, but only with the middle keys. For example: A (Remo ...
Geometry that is hidden in a layer, becomes visible after being moved in the viewport. The layer stays hidden, and if a cube is placed in the layer, it also remains hidden. Moving a cube that is hid ...
Request for an Actor Components Blutility 'Call In Editor' events to be accessible from derived class. It would also be expected to see the Blutility dropdown selection and Run button in the actors ...
PhAT is inconsistent on when it does and doesn't apply scale to Constraint positions. This leads to cases where the positions provided create constraints that may not work when the Preview Skeletal ...
After attempting to preview the undefined File Media Source in the Media Player Window and getting an error. I set the path of the File Media Source to Windows sample video 'Wilflife'. Then attempt ...
When updating a video texture's output track, the player preview and world will update immediately, however the texture's thumbnail will revert to default color: Black. When moused over, the thumbn ...
Attempting to pass a TMap or TSet into a UFUNCTION as a parameter causes a compilation error. Removing the UFUNCTION declaration works. Error messages:2>D:\Unreal Projects\Main\MyProject14\Source\M ...