Was not able to reproduce on Windows. I checked the Linux log (Project, UE4) and did not notice anything meaningful there. I used GDB to get a backtrace from the core dump file. Attaching that and ...
Launching a project outside of the Editor (-game) using D3D12 (-d3d12) results in a crash if the console command VisRT is used in the project. ...
Characters can be pushed through geometry by other characters when on a moving platform. On this example the character being pushed is forced through a wall that is attached to a moving platform. ...
The Max Draw Distance setting culling meshes at incorrect distances during PIE relative to Standalone/New Editor Window. I was unable to reproduce this in a new blank project using a single cube me ...
The Hair shader no longer allows ScreenSpace AO on areas of the screen it occupies. While in the Ambient Occlusion Visualizer it appears that the material draws on top of the SSAO. REGRESSION? Yes ...
CL 3278583 contains a fix for improper failure state allocation of render targets, which causes intermittent crashes when the HMD is unplugged or has a power interruption. This CL fixes the crash ...
Light components stay visible if "Actor Hidden In Game" is checked. This issue occurs even when other components (such as a static mesh) are no longer visible. I tested with a static mesh component ...
GPU particles have a strange sorting priority once a significant amount of overlap starts happening. Changing the sort mode doesn't influence this effect at all. While on CPU particles changing the ...
Seems when an expression output is swizzled (Typically via component mask) we lose the ability to track if the value is constant. This causes the IsPropertyUsed check to fail, potentially falsely ac ...
Skeletal meshes do not simulate physics when playing in viewport. They are not affected by gravity, nor do they ragdoll. This doesn't occur in UE4/Main. This occurs with Immediate Mode Physics of ...