Using the GetSubPaths command in Standalone does not return any paths. From the answerhub user's research, it seems that CachedPathTree in AssetRegistry.cpp is not being initialized like it is in ei ...
When the mouse is hovering over an asset, the asset cannot be selected/clicked if the tooltip pops up under the mouse. This does not occur on Windows and the asset can still be selected even if the ...
If the "Allow late joining" option is turned on in Editor Preferences, using the Add Client button in PIE will cause a crash on Exit. Crash happens immediately if using VR Preview ...
Paper sprite causes package to fail when Blueprint Nativization Method is set to inclusive ...
I'm not sure where to set this value, but it's extremely noticeable when the value defaults to -7 and you go and place a node and it looks like a colorful square smaller than your fingernail. I tri ...
By default, the local motion controller would move remote player's motion controllers as well. Add the following to the beginning of the tick function in the MotionControllerPawn blueprint makes it ...
I've been looking into replicating HMD movement across the network I found a thread where there was an example "MPRepro" to show the how to do this, but testing that example, I see behavior where ...
Had a UDN question from a licensee about full precision not working on Metal. According to Dmitriy, the Mobile / Use Full Precision flag is not being passed to Metal shaders ...
Found this while updating [Link Removed]. When selecting SWITCH or selecting the Gear icon and selecting Switch viewer: Default Cardboard, the app crashes. ...