Ensure when opening Camera Anim assets for the second time

Tools - Aug 21, 2016

An occasional ensure is thrown when opening Camera Anim assets. Generally, the issue occurs when opening the asset for a second time, but the repro rate is low, around 1/5. ...

Assets Jitter When Selected In Editor

Tools - Mar 4, 2020

When you are selecting an asset in the editor it jitters a little bit until unselected. Found in 4.25.0 Preview 1 CL#11723679 Reproduced in 4.26.0 Main CL#11724764 ...

[CrashReport] UE4Editor_UnrealEd!FBlueprintCompileReinstancer::ReplaceInstancesOfClass_Inner() [kismetreinstanceutilities.cpp:1880]

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Compiler - Oct 5, 2017

This is a somewhat common crash that has occurred throughout the 4.17 release. Users have not provided any description of their actions when the crash occurred. The callstack is similar to some ol ...

Empty Mesh Sections with MergeActors Tool

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 27, 2019

Map Check will output the following error, which makes no sense: SM_FourCubes_1 - 1 element(s) with zero triangles in static mesh 'SM_FourCubes' ...

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked

Tools - Aug 20, 2018

Project launch options flicker between available and unauthorized/locked Unsure what causes this, but I have hit the issue twice. Another person has also seen this on their machine. I was able to ...

Send "Enter Key" is not working with press and release key in Web Browser plugin

Tools - Mar 3, 2020

When trying to send the Enter Key to Web Browser using the Press and Release function, it does not work. This function works with any other key that you try to send. A repro project is attached tha ...

'Directions are not Compatible' error on ForEachLoopWithBreak if split struct pin is disconnected from Enum type

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Mar 25, 2015

'Directions are not Compatible' error on ForEachLoopWithBreak if split struct pin is disconnected from Enum type. Note: If the pins are reconstructed and the resplit, the error is fixed. ...

FDeferredDecalProxy cannot be initialized to not fade even if FadeDuration is set to 0

UE - Rendering Architecture - May 16, 2024

FDeferredDecalProxy always fade because InitializeFadingParameters is always called and leaves InvFadeDuration at 1.0 and the LifetimeAlpha calculation in FDeferredDecalPS::SetParameters gets a very ...

Light rendering becomes broken when at a distance of ~1000000 from origin

UE - Graphics Features - Oct 7, 2020

Tested at X=20,000 with no issue Tested at X=500,000 with no issue Tested at X=1,000,000 issue occurs NOT A REGRESSION ...

SceneCapture2D output broken when used in VR

UE - Platform - XR - Feb 25, 2019

Scene Capture regression when used with VR. Confirmed in Main @ CL 5172170 Tested with Rift Flipped VR Preview window is a known/fixed issue ...