When an Actor is identified to seamlessly travel, its child actors should also seamlessly travel with it (or maybe it should be an optional flag), rather than destroying and recreating on the other ...
When driving across a vertically moving platform, the user can noticed that the vehicle will stutter and slow down once it starts moving, and as they drive across, the wheels will jitter as well. ...
Error message in log is:CompilerResultsLog:Error: Error MyBTTask_RunBehavior.cpp.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "public: virtual void __cdecl IGameplayTaskOwnerInterface::OnGameplay ...
If the user runs the "stat sounds" command repeatedly over the course of multiple PIE sessions, there will be inconsistent behavior with when it appears on the screen. In the scenario given in the ...
REGRESSION Yes, does not occur in 4.14.2. Steering in Vehicle Game feels very sluggish. Turning is slow, and the buggy loses a lot of acceleration. ...
Crash when toggling between Stereo on and Stereo off after launching the game via right clicking the uproject. After toggling stereo on and off a few times, the session crahes ...
When a code project is given the name SteamVR the project will fail to open with the error message shown in the screenshot. This does not occur for a blueprint project with the same name, blueprint ...
It has no this issue if only open previous cloth assets in 4.14The issue happens only if reimporting or updating the .apx or .apb and assign to the material slotReimporting both FBX skeletalmesh file ...
Error message: Assertion failed: TrianglesMade==2 [Link Removed] [Line: 373] Source Context: 360 { 361 FTriangle NewTriangle(A->Vertices[1],A->Vertices[2], TestPt); 362 ...
If Skel Mesh Material Element order changes, Clothing assignments stay in the same order. I don't know if there's a way for the editor to interpret the material assignments on import, but this can ...